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Final Castlevania. Hope you enjoy the reaction and thanks for recommending this show!


Knightlight 1414

For a show as dark as Castlevania we are so spoilt for getting such a happy ending, seriously amazing that all of the main cast survived and ended on a joyous note


Happy ending for Alucard. He has his friends and his lover by his side at the end of the

Kris McConnachie

The thing about Lenore is, for one, that's kind of a classic Anne Rice trope. Vampires finding the truth of what they are, they end up resigning themselves to nihilism and hopelessness. But I also think it says a lot about her character and her weakness. Hector, for how foolish and naive he is, is very strong of will. He endured so much under the weight of humanity's evil, Dracula and Carmilla. The minute Lenore is boxed into a cage, she immediately resigns herself. And it says a lot. For how clever and manipulative she was, her strength of will was her sisters. With her sisters gone, she saw no hope, no future for herself. Also, in case you didn't catch it, Whitby is a Bram Stoker's Dracula reference.