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Part 15 of our Assassin's Creed Journey as we continue the Brotherhood cutscenes.


Josh Lomax

I wanted to provide some context about the Subject 16 stuff. This info is found by playing AC2, so no spoilers since you already watched those cutscenes, though I don't believe this info was in those videos because it was found in an optional collectible. Basically, Subject 16 had left a series of coded puzzles hidden throughout Italy. Once Ezio solved the puzzles, a video of Adam and Eve running through the Garden of Eden played. My interpretation of the video (though not confirmed to my knowledge), was that Adam and Eve were members of the First Civilization (which was mentioned by Minerva at the end of AC2), they stole the Apple of Eden and escaped whatever prison was holding them. So S16's message of "find Eve" may tie to that video in some way. There are, of course tons of world building theories about this. My favorite is that Adam and Eve were the lone survivors of the Solar Flare that wiped out the First Civilization, making them the two humans to repopulate humanity, akin to Christian Mythology. Some other theories suggest that all of the Assassin's we see, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Ezio Auditore, Desmond Miles and the ones you haven't seen yet that come in AC3, ACIV, and potentially even the ones from the later games, are all direct descendents of Adam and Eve. I've seen some theorists call Adam "The First Assassin" (though a few theorists suggest that Abel is actually the first assassin), and suggest Cain was "The First Templar". Not sure if I buy that but it's fun to theorize about. So very sorry for geeking out with all of that information. But thought you guys might find it interesting.


Leonardo gave Ezio a parachute that you can use in gameplay as a reward for completing his side missions. Juan Borgia here is Juan Borgia the Elder, not Cesare's brother. You're right about the naming convention back then.


he said (sun) not son n i hope the person ur watching plays christinas memories its part of Ezio after all

Dionysus207 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-20 00:16:34 I'm pretty sure Juan Borgia here is not Cesare's brother, but maybe one of his uncles? The part about Subject 16 was and will always be confusing. Some think that Subject 16 was just talking gibberish as he went insane, some will go deeper and believe different theories. It's never truly explained until that moment what he's saying. You got one thing right, though, but I will not spoil it for you. Regarding the gift that Leonardo gave to Ezio after completing his request, he designed a parachute for him. Maybe the gameplay will feature it in the next parts. As jordan above me said, Cristina's Memories are also worth watching. They are missions which will be unlocked during AC Brotherhood if you get your synchronization high enough. They will depict some of Ezio's repressed memories about his family and girlfriend (the one shown in the beginning of AC2), memories that happened throughout the entire AC2 game. I linked the video 4-5 parts ago, but I will repost it here like a reminder to not forget about watching it when you're done with the story of AC Brotherhood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAdeUVHVjM8
2024-02-19 21:49:20 I'm pretty sure Juan Borgia here is not Cesare's brother, but maybe one of his uncles? The part about Subject 16 was and will always be confusing. Some people think that Subject 16 was just talking gibberish as he went insane, some will go deeper and believe different theories. It's never truly explained until that moment what he's saying. You got one thing right, though, but I will not spoil it for you. Regarding the gift that Leonardo gave to Ezio after completing his request, he designed a parachute for him. Maybe the gameplay will feature it in the next parts. As jordan above me said, Cristina's Memories are also worth watching. They are missions which will be unlocked during AC Brotherhood if you get your synchronization high enough. They will depict some of Ezio's repressed memories about his family and girlfriend (the one shown in the beginning of AC2), memories that happened throughout the entire AC2 game. I linked the video 4-5 parts ago, but I will repost it here as a reminder to not forget about watching it when you're done with the story of AC Brotherhood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAdeUVHVjM8

I'm pretty sure Juan Borgia here is not Cesare's brother, but maybe one of his uncles? The part about Subject 16 was and will always be confusing. Some people think that Subject 16 was just talking gibberish as he went insane, some will go deeper and believe different theories. It's never truly explained until that moment what he's saying. You got one thing right, though, but I will not spoil it for you. Regarding the gift that Leonardo gave to Ezio after completing his request, he designed a parachute for him. Maybe the gameplay will feature it in the next parts. As jordan above me said, Cristina's Memories are also worth watching. They are missions which will be unlocked during AC Brotherhood if you get your synchronization high enough. They will depict some of Ezio's repressed memories about his family and girlfriend (the one shown in the beginning of AC2), memories that happened throughout the entire AC2 game. I linked the video 4-5 parts ago, but I will repost it here as a reminder to not forget about watching it when you're done with the story of AC Brotherhood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAdeUVHVjM8


Subject 16 stuff from AC2 can be seen here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyYbNQvJMSw And Brotherhoods stuff here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFQVMQH1IBM


Unfortunately, the story is mixed in with the puzzles themselves, haha. This one cuts the AC2 glyphs down by 9 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLSiKSrmLic but anything else would be a summary and you'd miss out on some minor, but IMO, very interesting alternative takes on history