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Part 24 of our Naruto Cutscenes Journey Reaction


k c

Alrighty, then. The music and visuals for the Naruto vs Sasuke QTE segment is chef’s kiss. It always hits the spot. I think this particular jingle helps a lot. It comes again, too, and always elevates the scene.

Jason Rogue

This fight is what I'm about. About Sakura, I can see both sides. After watching the OG Naruto, yeah, Sakura doesn't do anything and that's a shame. Kishimoto really just forgot about her throughout all of Naruto. She has like 2 or 3 moments of badassery throughout Naruto, but that's it. She wants to do something for once, she could have stopped him from leaving the village but she didn't or couldn't. If she did none of this would've happened.


Ken was hilarious lol “if you’re really his friend, let him be what he wants to be, kill him.” lmao there’s a running joke that Naruto’s in love with Sasuke because not everyone is gonna through that length for someone completely crazy.


Sasuke changed so much after discovering the truth about Itachi, He was always so calm, stoic, quiet and now he’s more unhinged , emotional, angry, and smiling so evilly. P.S there’s a bit of dislike of Sakura fan base.

k c

Less of a running joke, and more of that’s just what it is at this point. Naruto got “friend” and “love interest” mixed up.


With Sakura I think it wasn't so much as her thinking killing Sasuke was her sole burden and more her trying to solely take on the burden, but then Kakashi also tried to solely take it on and in the end Naruto said he'd take it. So basically they were all fighting over who'd bare the burden of killing Sasuke, like when friends go out to eat and fight over who gets to pay the bill.


Storm 3/4 really handles the source material much better then the anime, the cutting of filler while also giving better visuals 9/10 times really makes it what an anime game series should be. I always liked sasuke a lot even during this arc because he is absolutely a villain created by danzo who was so hellbent on his own version of peace. Not only did danzo sew his own destruction but created a large threat for his village too


for sakura its not so much that she feels solely the bearer. She doesn't want anyone else to go through with the act of killing sasuke ad having that on their conscience.

Brianda Sandoval

You guys don't understand Sakura at all. The reason she lied to Naruto in the manner she did is because in the anime all of her friends told her how far down Sasuke had fallen into darkness and that they were done indulging her and Naruto that Sasuke was a serious threat to their village and needed to be eliminated. Sakura has been in love with Sasuke since they were children and like Naruto she's always been an optimist that they'll save Sasuke from himself but then she gets pressured by her peers and then probably the biggest factor Sai tells Sakura it's basically her fault Naruto's going through such lengths due to the promise he made her years ago about bringing Sasuke back because he wrongly assumes Naruto's doing this because he loves Sakura and thus compares the promise they made to a curse mark which is basically an albatross around Naruto's neck. So of course Sakura's going to feel terrible thinking Naruto's doing this solely for her sake; it's all because of what Sai said to her otherwise I don't think she would have tried to go about the love angle. There is no ego involved here at all; Sakura knows Naruto full well and how he wears his heart on his sleeve so if it came down to killing Sasuke by his or Kakashi's hand that would be trauma and devastation the likes they'd ever know so Sakura's willing to take on that horrible burden so they won't have to go through that. As a ninja Sakura knows Sasuke is a threat to their homeland so she knows he has to be looked at as any other terrorist so while she was resolved to take on that burden in her mind her heart betrayed her as we saw when she couldn't attack him in his most vulnerable moment. There have been plenty of examples all throughout this story where personal feelings have gotten in the way of a ninja's duty and Sakura shouldn't be the only one vilified for that.

James G

Nah, He loves Sasuke like a brother, especially since Naruto had no siblings (or parents REALLY), so his bond with Sasuke is important to him. Remember Sasuke has saved Naruto before (at least once) so their love for each other is mutual but they are also rivals. The running gay joke is because they kissed each other on accident, when they were in the academy (like one of the first couple of episodes in the anime), which is also why Sakura hates Naruto (he got sasukes 1st kiss LOL ) deep down.

James G

Karin survived because of her special blood trait (her blood has accelerated healing magic). Idk if it's really a special bloodtrait or just her being an Uzumaki (she is a distant relative of naruto) Also Sakura healed her enough while kakashi fought sasuke.

Justin Arzola

The anime handled Sasuke's descent differently, they even gave him an evil laugh to drive home the point that he had lost his mind, Many people start to hate Sasuke's character after this but he still continues to show signs of sympathy even afterwards and he is considered one of the best characters in the show for a reason and his behaviour is the result of manipulation from being lied to and used all his life by people like Madara, Itachi and Orochimaru, Naruto finally learned what Sasuke was going through after losing Jiraiya and meeting Pain and learning how to break the cycle of hatred.

Justin Arzola

If you guys don't know why Sakura is so invested in Sasuke and thinks it's her responsibility to kill him, not only does she love Sasuke but she begged Naruto to bring Sasuke back and Naruto promised,So Naruto has been going after Sasuke for her sake as well largely because he loved her despite the feelings she had for Sasuke instead( once she had the fake confession Naruto stopped having those romantic feelings for her but still considers her a friend),she feels guilty that all the pain Naruto has gone through to save Sasuke is all her fault, this was explained in the last part but it went by quickly,

J Sal

Man I never get tired of hearing both of your Naruto reactions! The theories, analyses and opinions y'all have are strong and always on point! Without spoiling anything it'll be interesting to see your opinions of the characters once you guys get further into the cutscene series. I'm hoping one day that y'all will be able to react to the anime battles and see what you think about the characters from that point of view