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Davie Campbell

Wait, did I miss episode 8? I can't find it.


Did we just get an episode early

Shadow Drivver

I thought I missed an episode, but it seems we got this episode early.

Davie Campbell

I noticed the number but I assumed it had just been listed wrong. Hopefully we get episode 8 today as well, really looking forward to that one.


Tyrian is all for chaos. If Emerald and Mercury go against Salem, he will probably be the one who will hunt them down and punish them. So him saying they should do what makes them happy while using his tail as a threat was his way of warning them. And I find it interesting that Mercury and Emerald do have these conflicts but as soon as Tyrian is threatening them both they will stand up for each other. We saw it with Mercury going between him when they arrived and just now Emerald doing the same.


I love Mercury as a character because he is complex and you understand how he got where he is. He’s also hot so that’s a bonus. Btw Scorpion guy is Tyrian.

Rinnzu Rosendale

Yall don't seem confused and yall didn't mention a recording error so I assume the wrong one just got uploaded?


I just hope this doesn't mean a two week wait for Ch10 with nothing in-between 😭


haha, we think the hot part is clouding your judgement 😜 But he is a fun character for us to "hate". Gotta have those in shows.


The woman at the memorial is just credited as “Mysterious Woman”. She has the same voice actress as Pyrrha.


Mercury is wrong when he said, if we win this for her we will be top dogs in her new world order. Cinder is a pawn of salem, and you are a pawn of a pawn. you are not going to be the top dog of anything.

Serpent King

yeah not to mention, Salem's goal is to bring the relics together which summons the gods...and the day of judgement. Basically if she succeeds, that's game over. No new world order, no world at all.


Of course, she won't tell her lackeys that though, so they have no idea.


Oh absolutely, Tyrian is a violent sociopath and actively enjoys killing - when Salem told him to go after Ruby, he was very happy about the assignment, but got disappointed when Salem instructed him to bring her back alive. Tyrian is daring them to leave, he wants them to give him a reason to kill them, a reason that would make it acceptable or even desirable in the eyes of Salem.


I can't remember if they ever confirmed if the mysterious woman at the statue was in fact Pyrrha's mom or sister, i think the main theory is that she is her mother and that she knew who Juane is due to Pyrrha's letters/conversations etc. Personally like...every damned scene that involves Pyrrha and the aftermath of her death just gets me every...damned...time.


Of course he's wrong, but Salem promises those who are useful the things that they want in order to get them to fight for her side. Salem is very powerful in her own right, but her greatest power is her charisma - she united the old humanity with her machinations and now she is dividing the current humanity. Whether they embrace the evil, ignore it, or simply view it as a necessary means to an end, Salem's main four followers all believe that Salem is their path to what they want. The difference between Mercury and Emerald is that Mercury has drank the Kool-Aid and embraced Salem's mission, while Emerald is going along with it out of her loyalty to Cinder.

Alex Smith

That fucking leaf. Also, "I'm the One" I think hits a bit different after this episode, some of the lines stand out more. Like "That was born in a nightmare, a murderer's son Got no gun" always seemed odd to me, because he does in fact have a gun, two even. I think this line is talking about his semblance. He's the only character that just doesn't have one, not that it wasn't developed or unlocked, it's just gone.

Alex Smith

Y'all are right, Salem did tell them that Cinder was alive when she was interrogating Hazel and Co.


I'm not crying, YOU're crying. (Actually, I am crying. Pyrrha was/is my favorite character.) I don't think the writers have ever said explicitly it was Pyrrha's mom, but it seems clear based on her appearance (eyes, hair, costuming), and her voice as well -- it's Jen Brown, the voice actress for Pyrrha, using a more mature voice tone. If she is her mother, you can see exactly how Pyrrha grew up to be so pure-hearted, capable, and dedicated. Jaune is also wearing that red belt sash like Pyrrha; I am sure she recognized him if not specifically then as a friend of her daughter's. Getting back to leitmotifs (musical themes for each character), I was so blown away by the song playing during the Pyrrha sequence. It's called "Forever Fall," which is the two-part episode where Jaune chooses Pyrrha over Cardin's threats and later asks Pyrrha to train him (and of course "Fall" ties into Pyrrha being picked to be the "Fall Maiden" as well as her actual fall at Beacon). The thing is, bits and pieces of this song were used instrumentally back in the first few seasons, especially Season 3. Did Jeff Williams have the entire song written years ago in Season 3, or did he take the Pyrrha/Jaune theme and expand it into a full song for Season 6? It's just rather amazing. The leaf that leads Jaune to her statue is also a recurring visual from Season 3 when Pyrrha is wrestling over whether to accept Ozpin's offer. One thing I love about RWBY is how everyone -- good guy, bad guy -- has their own individual character arc and personality. There are no cookie-cutter characters, really. Emerald and Mercury are as distinct as Tyrian and Watts. Emerald has been so lost and scared without Cinder, yet what Mercury says is justified too -- Cinder doesn't really care about her. What does Emerald do with that? (They were told earlier in the season that Cinder is still alive but is basically "on the outs" until she justifies Salem taking her back into the fold.) I get the feeling that Tyrian's voice actor always has a lot of fun; it might be one of the most delicious roles on the show. Despite seeming mostly insane and a lover of destruction and chaos, he's quite perceptive in terms of what is happening, why people are doing what they're doing, and what the big picture goals are. Every young adult reaches a point where they tell the older adult in their life that they no longer need permission to make their decisions, even if they still want encouragement and advice. This is a big moment for Ruby and her friends, and it's a big moment for Qrow in terms of realizing he is no longer responsible for the younger ones but just needs to be a good encourager, role model, and advisor.


Interesting conversation at the end! Imo Mercury is one of the more intriguing characters for his backstory. Of course i do think his attitude/front is dick-ish and obnoxious but i don't necessarily hate or think he would have ended up like that eventually, as Ken said. Of course he might have but he's got one of the most horrible backstories/upbringings in the show, for example i don't think Ruby would have been the person she is now in a similar experience. But that's just speculation and doesn't factor in a whole bunch of other angles. I do understand the hurt people, hurt people but i also think its more complicated than that, he's been abused during his upbringing then he murders his father the source of his anguish and suddenly someone wants him for him/his talents which gives him purpose. And that's why i think he really doesn't care about any reward or anything even though after being asked several times by emerald he just gives a shallow answer, he's just going with the wind and doing what he was trained for. Also just wanted to say that this is just from the information we've seen and i might be entirely wrong depending on how they've written the character. Just wanted to write this since i usually agree with your conclusions about characters and this time i really felt i wanted to share my opinion. But hey, its a show I'm really enjoying with you guys (Don't think i would have found it if it weren't for you) Sorry if this was to much of a post, i don't usually invest in doing things like this =) Anyway much Love <3

Bryan Forquer

Mercury may be a dick, but he was 100% correct about Emerald's mommy issues with Cinder. Emerald is completely loyal to Cinder, even though it is blatantly obvious that Cinder doesn't care about anyone but herself. Also Ruby was being unfair to Qrow, Ruby would've been dead a dozen time over if Qrow hadn't saved her. Yet she acts like she did it all on her own.

Tatsumi Ga Kill

Its always this scene with Team JNR that makes me cry all the time especially when Nora said: "Your not being fair to yourself we love you just like we loved Pyrrha. We're teammates, family."


This episode made me cry like a little baby


That scene at the Pyrrha statue makes me cry every single time, and I've watched it like 4 times. It never fails to start the waterworks.


Path of the d$ck should be a t shirt 😂😂😂




Always love hearing the other side of things. You do make a great point about having purpose (we bring up needing purpose in another reaction...maybe Castlevania? These themes pop up a lot between shows 😅 . Really happy you shared your opinion and never be shy about expressing it here. We love hearing it. 😃


But that was part of Qrow's plan. To be in the shadows and keep his distance helping her along the way (also because he didn't want his semblance to f things up). So Rubys confidence and maybe over confidence is something Qrow helped with. Make her think and feel like she CAN do it on her own. Because Qrow probably understands Ruby is a natural born leader and someone they are going to need to be the best possible version of herself....plus, you know, she's got the eyes which helps 😜


On the episode commentary track, the writers say they will not be totally explicit about who she was "but it should be obvious" or something to that effect so... yeaaaah, just who we think it was :)