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Full Watch Along Reaction to Dragon Ball Super Episode 30


Knight Spearhead

If i remember correctly some time passed between these 2 arcs could be wrong though


This episode SCREAMS deadline crunching and stalling to give the animators time for future episodes. what with all the flashbacks and rather poor animation. I feel bad but this really plagues early Super and it's incredibly noticeable in this episode. What are you gonna do though? At least them breaking the fourth wall is kinda funny and unexpected. It also sort of begins the indecisiveness for the writers on what to do with Gohan, it seems like they just can't make up their minds on if they want him to be a combatant or a family man, I wish they'd just pick one and stick with it.

Anthony De la rosa

So every time a reaction comes out i usually listen to the Audio at work unless I have time to stop and see the reaction without the show and I shit you not I thought I was having a fever dream when goku started talking to the narrator I do not remember I between episodes of arcs so you know, had my ankles taken in my head


Yes i agree dragon ball super is a mixed bag i like to say it's a strange ride that's worth taking. It has a lot of issues for sure with some incredible epic moments but nothing in my humble opinion can touch the original dragon ball & dragon ball z. I just can't wait til they actually get to the really good stuff even though i forgot how funny some of these episodes are lol


Toyotarou the artist of Dragon ball super went through hell making super along with the entire art team. Western audiences aren't very hip to what goes on here in japan but animators have some of the most strenuous schedules & a lot of them get paid pennies for weeks of work. Dragon ball is a worldwide show, dubbed in over 26 languages & unfortunately the animators were rushed & overwhelmed with making this show due to short scheduling & high demand. There are youtubers who explain how harsh the making of the show was way better than i can. I purposely dont share all my opinions because i don't want to force my opinion on Ken & Bethany but as a long time Dragon ball Super fan. You will have a lot of epic, mind breaking moments to scratching your head in deep confusion lol. DBS kind of split the Dragon ball fandom in half, there are the OG fans who look at Super as "cute" but will argue it's a downgrade to DB & DBZ but then there's my generation "gen z" that argue Super is better than the older work. Obviously those opinions overlap too but i'm so happy i grew up with 6 older brothers & i'm 23 so i got see both generations of Dragon Ball but overall DBS will be worth the ride & these smalls things are actually leading up to big moments. Also Bethany's comedy powers are growing to new heights, i looked up "Something about marry" with her Whis reference. OMG! 😂😂😂


I was born in 92, and I grew up watching DBZ on Toonami. I enjoy all of DragonBall, and that includes Super as well. I never thought Dragon ball would ever continue. I was so happy when I saw it return with Battle of Gods. I love Super for what it is. It's not perfect, but it's still fun. I think people look back on DBZ with rose tinted glasses. Every version of Dragon Ball has had its fair share of issues. Super is no different, and imo it's not nearly as bad as some make it seem to be.

Jeffrey F

Guess I can’t be surprised that even the narrator gets annoyed by goku 😂

Ventus Wenton

Do you guys have any plans to react to Dragon Ball GT after Super?

Brett Buss

welcome to lovely called by anime fans as a "filler" episode. remember these are produced every week and unlike other anime that had seasons, dragonball super ran pretty much year long for several years. there were a few weeks off throughout but no seasonal break.


id rather want them to react to jujutsu kaisen then GT hoping


The plan after this is OG Dragon Ball. We haven't decided if we will do GT or not. Haven't heard glowing reviews of it, but we are open to it. Still got a ways to go in Super though 😅


I have no memory of this episode.


I don't think it's a downgrade from DB/DBZ, but I still expected better.

k c

I do since just binged it. And thought it was funny how it seemed like Vegeta became the narrator.

k c

When you can tell someone grew up with older brothers without them saying it lol.

k c

GT is good. Don’t let people sway you.


Dude same! I usually listen on my way home from work, and I was confused as well lol


Finally caught up with your watch alongs. Super is the one that made me cave and subscribe to the Patreon. Love all the reactions!


Welcome! Glad you got all caught up with our Super reactions. We've been enjoying the show a lot. And you'll have a new episode dropping today. We post them on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the full watch along reactions. 😃


Yup i had the best brothers in the world. After their jujitsu class we'd all group up & watch toonami, also with my other 2 sisters. My brothers are so lit! They'd also support our girly stuff & watch Sailor Moon which is another classic lol