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This game is so much fun. Going to be laughing a lot while playing it.


Jason Rogue

Nice, personally a guilty pleasure of a game. I think I completed this game like 3 times back on Xbox One, and then another 2 times when it was re-released for the Series X/S.


This game is goood lol

Jennifer Sunderland

In 1978, Ralph Bakshi made an animated Lord of the Rings film which was actually pretty good, although he never managed to complete the series (it only went up to the battle of Helm's Deep). The intro movie to Stick of Truth is an overt reference to this movie. In animation style, colour palette and even some shots are straight out of the Ralph Bakshi movie (with Cartman subbing for Gandalf). This game has more easter eggs and references than I can count to old fantasy books, movies and stories. But the homage to Bakshi is laced throughout it.

Jeffrey F

When I played the whole game,I never stopped laughing at all 😂 😂

Jennifer Sunderland

It's probably worth a watch. It completely pales in comparison to Jackson's adaptation, but most of it is actually closer to the books. And John Hurt does the voice for Aragorn, which can only be a good thing.