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Early ad-free access to RWBY Volume 6 Episode 7


Lady RedShee

Logged into patreon as soon as I saw the notification for this episode, I can't wait to see what you guys think of it!


“Mommy said I couldn’t do the thing but she didn’t say YOU couldn’t do the thing so ha showed her!” Cinder is such a child.

Iejir Isk

I feel for Jaune... being super worried about RWBY, based on the last time he saw them, and other things... Maybe Cinder will rise up and take out Salem... pfft... can't even try to say that with a straight face. But for me, it's either Hazel or Salem that I agree with more. Certainly not Ozpinhead... though I feel for Oscar, being possessed by a demon.


Why is it that old ladies always shrink in anime. maria was a lot taller when she was younger in that flashback.


Old people in general do lose height over time due to both compression of their bones that are no longer growing and reduction in posture that many experience. It's just exaggerated in animation to show extreme age.


Yeah, basically ^^ that is it. But she did shrink a ton, lol! Realistically she should have been kind of in-between her granny and youthful heights.


The season openers do hint at a lot of what will happen during the season. There are quite a few this season, but one that we've also seen is how Salem's crew typically looks confident/happy... except for Emerald, she has a lost, sad look in that compilation this season and we've been seeing her appear lost and unsure of herself without Cinder around. (As another really big one, I remember way back at the end of the Season 3 sequence, the first student torn out of the falling circle of students is Pyrrha.) Yes, you guys called it -- Tock's semblance is 60 seconds of total invulnerability... and then her aura breaks. It was sadly a short episode, but definitely a boost in spirits and was neat for that aspect -- everything's been pretty heavy and/or dark, and it's nice to give the characters and us a breather, they are really trying to give a natural ebb and flow to the narrative.


I believe Tock the girl that injured Maria's eyes is supposed to be a reference to the crocodile from Peter Pan that ate Hook's hand and a clock.

freshyjazzy12 .

Some of the happy moments in RWBY are my favorite, for example the Food Fight and the eating scene in Vol 3 where Nora spirals into exaggerated depression lmao and that continued with this because THAT BABY SCENE WAS TOP TIER. “I am not a baby, THAT is a baby” the VA work there was hilarious. I was so hyped getting to meet one of Jaune’s sisters ever since the dance party from season 2. I can’t wait for these next upcoming episodes!! The next 2 are some of my favorites.


I remember Miles Luna once mentioning how they conceived that 60 second rule for the character Tock. Apparently they were only budgeted for 60 seconds of a fight scene for that episode and they couldn't go beyond that because it would cost too much so Miles had to stretch his creative muscles and write in a way to make it seem like Tock's semblance limit was 60 seconds. I thought it was neat and to see it unfold like that was awesome!

Bryan Forquer

This was definitely a really cute episode. I won't spoil why, but episode 11 and 12 of volume 6 are some of my most favorite RWBY episodes!


That makes total sense and seems really obvious now that you mentioned it haha. But don't think we ever would've guessed that on our own 🤗