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Early ad-free access to our reaction for RWBY Volume 6 Episode 5


Liam Harrold

You've put vol 4 instead of vol 6


something you might not have noticed with Neo is that she's never talked, she is a mute character. This is kind of revealed in the RWBY Chibi show where she holds up signs like Wile E. Coyote but doesn't become officially canon until now when Cinder wants to talk with Neo.


The hat originally belonged to Torchwick so the hat in the opening was a dead giveaway Neo would show up. Torchwick wasn’t her master. If you read her novel, they were close friends and parters in crime. Also she is the only person he didn’t have hatred and disdain for.


I absolutely love the facial expressions in this episode. Like when Ruby references Qrow ‘s drinking you can see Wiess’s emotions and see that she’s empathizing with Ruby and thinking about her own mother’s alcoholism and Yang’s face dropping when Blake talks about protecting her. I think it’s more noticeable here because it’s more of a “quiet” episode. Obviously meant to take a bit of a breather.


Honestly not sure who could miss that? Like it’s her defining character trait. Also they said they plan on watching it after catching up with the main series so probably best not to spoil things.


Next episode is one of my favorites in the entire series!


For the episode it really does have that creepy dark fantasy horror vibe to it with how unsettling everything is and it does have a certain cutscene to game-play scene. Without going into spoilers this episode and the next are two of the creepiest episodes in all of RWBY.

Alex Smith

I imagine Jaune and Pyrrah aren't doing too great atm.

Tatsumi Ga Kill

Im really starting to dislike Yang More and more in this season i dont know if im the only one but that just how i feel

Hercule Pyro

Next episode doesn't have much, in fact it's kinda tiring, gives a very lethargic feel


You aren't the only one. Narratively I can think of several good reasons why, but explaining it does little for making it less obnoxious. The simplest explanation is high energy characters handle idle moodiness worse than others.

Bryan Forquer

My favorite moment of this episode is with Blake and Yang in the barn. Even though it didn't turn out as favorably as I would've liked. I think it was still a great character moment between them. When Blake tells Yang that she won't leave her again, you can see the smile on Yang's face and it seems like that's really all she wanted. Yang just wants someone who is going to be there for her, not someone who is going to take her pain on or die some noble death while trying to protect her. Yang just wants someone who she can have an equal partnership with. Not someone who is going to think of her as someone who needs "protecting". You can tell that Yang still cares very deeply about Blake, but she is still hesitant to trust her again. As for the other moments I never liked Neopolitan's character. I feel like the writers made her way too overpowered, and I wish they never brought her back. Also I don't like Maria's character either. I just find her more annoying than anything else. Can't wait to see you progress further into volume 6!


they really did add the the horror element in this episode. first with Qrow saying that the bodies in every house looks like they all went to sleep and never woke up. then you have 2 of the character talking about being tired.


I really liked the opening too with Neo and Cinder. We get a very clear idea of just how GOOD Neo is in physical combat ... and we also see how formidable Cinder is in that category aside from her powers as the Fall Maiden. Cinder is never even flustered even when Neo presses the attack, and she only brings her powers out at the end, to get Neo to hold off long enough to discuss redirecting her aggression. Both of them are very talented physical fighters. Cinder really is "settling in" as was mentioned. She was so sure of herself until Ruby badly hurt her, and then she needed a whole season to physically recover plus regain her confidence. When she finally goes back out, she's too edgy about her magic, wanting to show it off and basing her confidence on it, until then Raven takes her down head to head. Thus, she's been dashed twice -- but this time she regrouped quickly and she's realizing she's more than just the Fall Maiden and can use it appropriately (like a scalpel) vs like a club. It's like she has reset and remembered what she is capable of, even before she met Salem. She's getting smarter, more cunning, and using her head again. So much ambiance at the farm sequence, with emotional nuance shown by a number of characters. Everything that is said there is important or has later bearing as well, even though it just seems very low-key right now. Also Blake is still trying to get back on proper footing with Yang, and sometimes making missteps in the process... but it's part of an ongoing journey for the two of them.




I know who I want to be the one to take down Cinder... I want it to be Jaune. Cinder may be an antagonist to all of the heroes, but she causes him so much anguish. From killing his teammate and first love to toying with him with Weiss, she may hate Ruby, but Jaune is the one she continuously hurts the most. Jaune always wanted to be the hero and he's always been a day late and a dollar short... Even if it's a heroic sacrifice and he dies taking her down, I want Jaune to be the one to avenge Pyrrha.


Yeah Blake needs to realize that when it comes to Yang. Actions speak louder than words. Which is why its gonna take time. Its hard to show someone that you will always be there for them until the moment arrives when they need you.


Agreed. Jaune would be satisfying. Still think Jaune will not take down Cinder, but will make a sacrifice to save/protect someone that ultimately does take down Cinder almost immediately after.


Im so glad they brought back Neo! Her fighting style is my favorite in the series!