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Our Storyteller Fallout Journey ended but Amazon has a Fallout show coming in April. Hope you enjoy our reaction to the Teaser Trailer


Knightlight 1414

This looks good, hope they don't screw it up like Halo, which btw just got a trailer for season 2 so very curious how it will be

Knight Spearhead

The shows got Amazon, Microsoft, and Bethesda backing it. I doubt they will screw it up that much but the fandom is very sensitive when it comes to getting things wrong. The fandom is already up in arms about there being no NCR Banner or trooper in the trailer wven though it was only 2 minutes(and it could be easily explained away by the NCR losing/not winning in New Vegas. Another thing that has the fandom freaked out is the cyclops overseer(the one drinking the coffee) as weve never seen a cyclops in series but we know radiation and mutations does crazy things.

John Danziger

They listened to you guys about making this show because of your Stimpack Spritzer which I did NOT see here. I'm not mad, just disappointed. I expected soo much more from both of you ;) I hope you redeem yourselves by reacting to the show, but THAT is a story for another day