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Early ad-free access to RWBY V6E4



It's about to kick off

Megan Saunders

Qrow did say in Volume 4 when he was explaining about the relics and the gods to Ruby, Jaune, Ren, and Nora that "Not much is known about her. What is known is that she wants the relics." I think it's safe to assume that Qrow knew Oz reincarnates, he knew about the relics (but not the full truth about what they would do - i.e. bringing the gods back), and he knew that Salem was - at the very least - incredibly long lived, even if he didn't know the full extent of the gods' curse. I think part of Oz's issue was that he has been fighting Salem for so long that he is running out of ideas. After Jinn told him that Salem can't be killed, he redirected his efforts. Until then, he thought he had to destroy Salem in order to unity humanity. Then that was revealed as not being possible, so he redirected his plans and decided it would be better to try to make a slow, gradual change in the hopes that he could convince people that they could unite and work together and fend off Salem long enough in each lifetime in order to make progress towards that goal. But it gave his allies a false sense that they can defeat Salem, because they were never told what the real goal was. This is manipulation in a sense - he provided them with a false goal (defeating Salem) so they would believe it was something that might happen in their lifetime if the right solution presented itself, but the entire time HIS goal was "slow and steady, a little progress at a time, and then I'll summon the gods when I feel humanity is ready." He actually made good progress until the fall of Beacon - the Great War was the last massive world-wide conflict between all the Kingdoms. Remember the last couple of lines from that World of Remnant episode "He (the last King of Vale, aka Oz's incarnation in that life) would teach us how to fight, so long as we didn't fight against ourselves." He was preparing everyone for the day the gods would return, which is what his mission has been all along. The Kingdoms got along for the most part, and really the biggest issue he still had to fight against was the discrimination of the Faunus. He was close to something that he probably would have been happy with - then Beacon fell and it's been a huge setback for him now - the Kingdoms are on the brink of war again, his current - dwindling - allies now know the full story and are angry with him, and he was just forced to relive all of this trauma from his past lives. I don't blame him for locking himself away from them or Oscar - although it's not fair that Ruby seems to be the only one who still sees Oscar as separate from Oz. Ruby was the kindest of the way they handled the fallout - and I do understand some of their reactions, but again this episode really added to my dislike of Yang. I don't hate any of the characters in this show because they are all good - but Yang is definitely lower on my list and volume 5 and 6 are big parts of that.


Something to mention about Hazel here, he tried to take the blame for their defeat and then led out Emerald. There have been moments with him trying to avoid conflict in the past and showing concern for his team. I wonder what your thoughts are in regard to him.


Oz locking himself away is also basically his only method of "leaving the room". Given his continued presence would only engender further conflict, making himself inaccessible forced the others to move on. Whether this was specifically his intent or not I couldn't say, but it's worth noting the effect nonetheless.

Beowolf Chow

This is one of my favorite little moments of voicework in the series: The way Salem's voice cracks as she delivers the line "I would like you to explain to me, how it is you fa-ailed... so spectacularly." The barely constrained rage and frustration leaking through in that moment, is just chilling. And following that up with the overly calm, and quiet, but very firm "...stop." as she interrupts Hazel's excuse-making, just carries that scene. At this point, she's had days or weeks to process what Lionheart said to her: That Cinder changed the carefully laid plan, and everything fell apart. Years of effort, and it's gone. She knows more about what happened at Haven than the minions are even aware of, and she has had significant time to assign blame and calm down some, and she is STILL inches away from killing them all. Even Tyrian is terrified sitting (er... crouching) at that table, and nothing scares Tyrian. When she flings the table at him, he stays on the ground trying to be invisible, then jumps at the chance to get in her good graces by calling her "Divine". And then there is the end with "...And so we must... press on." and she just seems so tired, before recomposing herself and discussing the Vacuo plan like the image of an infallible leader.

El Patitas de Molcajete Takamachi

En este punto, a Yang no le importa lo que le pase a su madre. Pero también, de algún modo, todo lo que no puede decirle o reclamarle, se lo dice a alguien más; en este caso a Ozpin. Que "la traicionó" al no decirles desde un principio la verdad. Y que "le aseguro que no habría más mentiras ni verdades a medias". Son muchas emociones en este punto. Y todos estan explotando. Si les gustan las películas de terror ambientadas en bosques y/o cabañas abandonadas, les gustaran los siguientes episodios 👌🏻👌🏻 PD: Espero explicarme bien 😅


I know i write this every week but uhm…YAAAAAAY MORE RWBY!

Bryan Forquer

The scene with Salem is great because once again it shows why Salem is such a great villain. As for Ozpin, I definitely feel that he did not deserve what they did to him.


Other than his hatred for Oz over his sister's death, Hazel seems like a somewhat decent guy. He has more morals than any other of Salem's big bads. I think that makes him more interesting.


I'm not upset at Qrow for reacting the way he did but poor Oscar didn't deserve to take the brunt of the damage. Protect our precious farm boy!

Alex Smith

This episode does a good job of showing more of who Emerald and Hazel really are, in just a few shots.

Curtis Calvin

One thing we can firmly speculate on is Raven does know the truth and she might have been the one to ask the missing question for this 100 year cycle. Raven has been the spring maiden for awhile now and with her ability to transform and make portals she could have gone down to the vault. There are scenes in later episodes that make more sense with that thought in mind.


I think this was more or less Raven's point towards Yang. I don't think she knew, but there are telltale signs she could've picked up on for why Salem was impossible to beat. Someone as powerful and knowledgeable as Ozpin not having killed her all those years means there's more at play, perhaps she's just too strong to kill or simply can't die. But I'd never thought of this before and I think it's a good contrast between her and Qrow. She thinks of Qrow as a lapdog because he blindly followed Ozpin's orders, not thinking for himself or questioning anything. That was her biggest criticism against the group as a whole. But Qrow was given a place to belong, where he was not insecure about his semblance, which could've clouded his judgment. That's pretty much the only explanation I have for how their characters could be so different even though they were given the same powers, trained together growing up, were on the same team, and trusted with the same secrets. As for Yang, I think she's so pissed off and reacts to it faster than the others because not only has Ozpin been keeping secrets, but pretty much everyone her entire life. I don't remember if you two noticed it, but in the yellow trailer she was looking for her mom at the club where she beat everyone up. Then when she finds her mom there's even more secrets being unveiled and now this


Oh god i can see the fandom discussions again with the „Oscar Protection Squad“ and the „Ozpin did nothing wrong“ movement xD what a throwback!


I really appreciate how diverse all the characters are in RWBY, both the good ones... but also the bad ones. Each of the people on Salem's council has their own personal motivations for serving her; they are not just generic "evil" people. (Tyrian for example basically revels in chaos and destruction and just wants to see the world burn -- it's almost a divine calling for him. Meanwhile, Cinder came to Salem for her own personal empowerment. And so on.) We haven't touched on them all yet and haven't really found out a lot about Hazel (we will start to find out a bit more later), but he's not really as much like the others. He is very angry at Ozpin and is following Salem because she empowers him to go after Ozpin. However, remember how he was pretty disappointed in Adam for murdering Sienna for no reason -- he doesn't value violence for its own sake -- and here, he takes Cinder's apostles (Mercury and Emerald) under his wing because they have no one to look after them ... and you can even intuit maybe he doesn't like the way Cinder uses them but doesn't really respect them except as tools. Essentially Hazel sees them as people, and he steps in to be their guardian, to make sure they are okay.


Every time I watch this scene, I'm just kind of blown away by Jen Taylor's voice acting and the visual direction involved. It's just exquisite. Her delivery and expressions have such nuance... and we totally understand now that Salem is in charge and everyone has a right to be terrified of her. I always laugh when she says the bit about "pressing on" -- as if she is the world-weary noble soul who must simply carry her burden (of destroying the entire world) forward.


I think she can only make portals to people she is closely tied to, versus random portals anywhere. For other travel, she uses her bird form. But I very much suspect that Raven did piece together that Salem cannot be killed (because she's SO suspicious she roots out whatever knowledge she can to empower herself), whereas I think Qrow had simply trusted Ozpin because he gave Qrow a purpose and a place in the world. Something that big, he would have expected Ozpin to share. That's why he is reacting so badly here; he really did trust Ozpin, to the degree he and his sister are now enemies. It's why Raven thinks he's a fool. She's a survivor, she's always afraid of threats, and she probably actually has figured out a great deal.


Yeah, Yang is Yang. It is like Bethany suggested, her anger at her mom is bleeding into her feelings here and she is all over Ozpin. (Plus, they are both still teenagers and have been thrown into some pretty crazy stuff.) I like how Bethany compared Ruby and Yang. Some of it is just their personalities, some of it is baggage. Ruby will have her ups and downs too, but she's been pretty level-headed throughout this and gives herself time to digest what she hears before responding... and then asks the right questions. It's okay with Yang; she gets her moments to shine later. :D


I humbly disagree with this take that Salem is this egotistical overlord who wants everyone to kiss her backside though she does take advantage of it. But Salem is at the end of the day is a lonely immortal suicidal woman cursed by the douche gods aka the true villains in my opinion and no I don’t excuse her actions I just understand them


It's really only Tyrian who calls Salem a divine savior and it plays into the part that Ken mentioned as well. Salem said they need to remember what drives them and then said three words - Love, Justice, and Reverence. Hazel's story we know, he lost his sister and blames Oz and thinks he's a monster who sends children to their death. In his mind, he's fighting on Salem's side out of a misguided sense of love for his lost sister. Hazel's motivation is love. Watts was called out for being a disgraced Atlesian scientist by Raven and he confirmed it. Given his smug attitude full of a superiority complex, he definitely wants to get back at whoever he views as having wronged him. Watts seeks Justice. Tyrian is a violent madman who believes Salem to be a goddess, he worships her and has been shown to be truly devastated when he disappointed her in Volume 4. For Tyrian, Salem's word is the word of his goddess, he follows Salem out of reverence. Salem's words aren't just being a hero in her own story, they're actually objectively factual. Each of her followers is the hero in their own story and they believe those to be their motivations... But what Hazel things is a cause of love has instead become a battle of hatred. What Watts believes is justice is nothing more than vengeance. And the goddess that Tyrian worships has a history of posing as a false deity and she's simply using his madness and skills as a useful tool.