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Finally starting our Genshin Impact Cutscenes Reaction Journey. This week we are posting 3 videos to get you ahead on Patreon. After that it will be released weekly.

Genshin Playlist we are following - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4DxQr_NsZwRsSTPtVahPy19TX3IimGOZ



Yaaaaay GENSHIN! :D I can‘t wait for more! I play it since 2 Years and my Favorite Character and Main is Amber since day one! :D

Rinnzu Rosendale

oh dope. The story is pretty good. Just wish I didnt have to wait 3 months for every part. lol

Rinnzu Rosendale

oh that drink sounds fun. Poprock rim is super creative.


Genshin’s world on surface is definitely cheery and happy, but the lore, and story before the main story is very dark. You can almost say Diablo/dark souls level dark, like 18+ dark. Some lores are simply brutal even gruesome, but you probably won’t see those in the main story, even main story does gets dark later. Also, the English text translation also kinda censored some of the gruesome descriptions, while CN and jap are more…..to the bones…..

Nyte's Halo

Genshin does have it's darker moments, but even those are like cotton candy and rainbows when compared to Honkai Impact 3rd (I mean there's a reason it's known as Depression Impact after all)


Bummer some things get censored in translation. Funny thing is the other day someone mentioned how in Assassins Creed their is a line that is more vulgar than the French translation 🤗


Lisa is in canon extremely smart and strong but if you upgrade her bond level you find out she is as smart and strong as she is. She is SUPER lazy and if people knew just how strong and smart she is, it would cause all the more work on her shoulders. To give you an idea, in her personal character story it’s stated she’s the most powerful person to come from the Nation of Sumeru aside from the Archon/God in the last 100 years. She just doesn’t want to do more work so she does even less than halfass everything. More like fifthass everything. I hope we get a moment where she pops off one day because everyone even Jean has admitted Lisa can be absolutely terrifying. Jean is one of the only who knows her power.


Well…a bit but not that much sadly 0:


Genshin cutsceans its amazing. I also like the video type whwere you see alot of the story. Some things are unnecesery like the menu and soome gameplayelements but the dialog is really nice to see as well.