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Checking out the Adam Short for RWBY as well as Volume 6 Episode 2. 


Lady RedShee

YAY! I've been waiting all week for this video! I love your content, especially the discussions you have at the end! 🙂


Seeing Sienna in the short after she got no sold in V5 was salt in the wound tbh. Peak character design, cool weapon etc

Shadow Drivver

You guys are in for a hell of an info drop next episode. Many questions will arise (and maybe some answers to some of your old questions).




So I wonder who you think the 'big guy' the spider mentioned that was also looking for Ruby's group is.


Also loved your guys reaction for the cliffhanger i feel your pain Bethany 🫡

Serpent King

Next one is the one I've been waiting for. V6C3 is probably the best (or at least one of the best) episode in the series.


I cannot wait till yaw watch the next video, it's a trip.

Alex Smith

Ahh the Salem reveal cliffhanger. The next episode is definitely one of my favorite in the series.


I feel like with Leo, the bending of the truth only works because he died. If he'd survived he'd have to face consequences.


"deserve better than the truth." is one if my all-time favourite phrases though

Megan Saunders

Good call out on Little Miss Malachite being based on Lil Miss Muffett, Bethany! In regards to Oz lying: The only true lies that Oz made are about Lionheart's involvement in the battle at Haven, and the fact that there were two questions left. Everything else was either an omission or a misdirection. But I think context is also important here and it really is all summed up with one line from Ozpin "Do you think Leo was the first?" He has been hurt and betrayed before. In Lionheart's case he knew and worked with Oz for decades before he went to Salem's side. How many times has this happened to Ozpin with people he trusted? It's human nature to want to protect yourself after you've been hurt - it's a trauma response. And to give Ozpin credit - like he told Ruby "My behaviors are backed by experience". That is a heart-breaking statement in context when you realize how long Ozpin has lived. He's still trusting people, but he's cautious about who he trusts and he wants them to prove themselves before he trusts them. He gives them small bits of information, sees how they react, and then decides if he should say more. He's worked with his inner circle for years at this point, so Qrow, Glynda, Ironwood, Lionheart, and the other headmaster Theodore have earned trust from Ozpin - but it didn't stop Lionheart from betraying Ozpin. Self-fulfilling prophecy maybe, but I think from Ozpin's point of view it's more of a case that he keeps putting his trust in people, and when the moment comes when they have to prove themselves or join Salem, they fail that final test because they're more self-centered than they should be. It's understandable, but it ends up hurting and betraying Ozpin, and then he finds himself in a new life and he has to start over from scratch again. In that context, Ozpin is being remarkably open and putting himself forward because he IS willing to trust in each new lifetime. Ozpin never said he wouldn't tell them when they confronted him, he said "Now is not the time". Again, we have to look at his context, which Yang summed up beautifully. "We're stranded, we've lost a third of our party, and we've gained a little old lady." They are out in the wild, unknown how far they are from Argus. The Relic attracts Grimm, so they could be attacked at any moment. Indications in this episode is that a storm could be coming, so they have no shelter (the way the snow was blowing around just before Jinn froze time). Yang and the others are talking about all of this stuff in front of someone that they have no idea can be trusted. Is she working for Salem? Probably not, but she made the choice to stay behind when the other passengers were being ushered to the forward cars - why? And again, Ruby and the others are only half-trained at best. The fact that Ozpin is trusting them as much as he has is HUGE. The Battle of Beacon took place at the end of their second semester at Beacon - so Ozpin has only known them for a year, whereas he's known Qrow and the rest of his inner circle for decades. This is really where Yang drops to my least favorite of the hero characters. After Raven planted all those seeds of doubt, and combined with her aggressiveness and her arrogance, she really had no right to be so demanding. She sucks at "reading the room" so to speak. She pushes and pushes until she gets what she wants with no regard for other people - which we see going all the way back to her trailer. Ozpin was literally on his knees, in the snow, begging for them to stop - and she didn't. In a sense, Ruby then followed Yang's lead, because Ruby trusts Yang - and it's to Ozpin's detriment. His words were "Ruby, please. Don't." Then Qrow tried to step in - again because he knows Ozpin, so he knows more about this then the girls do, and they draw their weapons on him. Even Ruby was shocked by her team drawing on Qrow - but she didn't move to stop them - and Qrow is her beloved uncle. I've said Ozpin and Oscar are my two favorite characters in this show - I think the next episode or two are going to be big in the way you look at them.


Oh sure Ken, make Bethany watch the Adam short and then tell her she can't watch V6C3 after that cliffhanger. Double the pain. Lol.


Yeah honestly, I don’t feel like the audience gets a better understanding of Adam through the character short. I’ve always thought it was made as an excuse to have another appearance of Sienna, who was a fan favorite. Also I love the phrase “accountability culture” gonna start using it.

freshyjazzy12 .

It does put things slightly more into context when you realize Oz has only known them for a year and they still have this much info. While I’m sure it took Qrow and his team all of their years in school before they learned about the gods and the relics. I think from Oz’s perspective it just takes time and they haven’t been around long enough. Also, get ready for the best Lore Drop in the whole series, this episode caused some crazy chaos.

Bryan Forquer

I'd say you pretty much said everything that I would've said. I definitely agree with you about Ozpin. I feel he was justified by his actions, and even though Yang is my favorite character. I was a little mad when she drew her weapon on Qrow as well. Even though Qrow has never lied to them. Ruby would've been dead a dozen times over if Qrow hadn't saved her each time. Yet they still almost treated Qrow like he's the bad guy. Personally I feel Ruby made the wrong choice by asking the question. I get that she wants answers, but they were all clearly in a bad situation that was gonna get worse very soon if they didn't keep moving. They could've waited till they were out of the storm, but because of Ruby's impulsive and impatient nature. She just had to ask the question right then.

Bryan Forquer

Yeah, next episode is definitely a BIG one!


I quite like your take on this. And though I have some disagreements I'll get to, I think it's good and intentional that people HAVE disagreements on this situation. For Ozpin I have few comments, you summed him up quite well. At most some color commentary about how age can harden people, even when remaining open and hopeful some perspective can be lost on what it's like for someone without said experience. He's not wrong but there is a gap he's failing to bridge, and for no reason other he simply isn't able. Even he has limitations. For the girls taking a stance at Qrow, yeah it could seem oddly hostile but it's more showing solidarity with Ruby. They aren't against anyone, they're just showing their position on the situation: they will not be ignored further. They played things nice and obedient and all they asked in exchange was to be kept in the loop. The reasons for not doing so may be good but it was still a breach of contract. They're no longer playing nice and obedient and they are 100% in the right to do so. So they take stance to elevate their position at the negotiation table so to speak. They asked to be taken seriously and weren't. They aren't asking anymore. Yang has a reasonable sensitivity to people keeping secrets, and is a natural hothead to begin with so yeah, she fires off hotter than most. For Qrow's part, he's noticeably out of sorts. He can recognize the girls position but he has a lifetime of loyalty to Oz so he halfheartedly tries to support what he always has and is quick to back down because he has nothing to back that behavior in the moment. And for all of Oz's good reasons, Ruby does actually score a somewhat silent critical hit on him. She calls him out on his faith in humanity because for all of the sound logic he represents, and the willingness to keep trying despite his setbacks, she's absolutely right. He has hope but he does not have faith. He takes calculated risks, he endeavors to maintain control. And he's right to do so. But without him realizing, his actions contrast his words. He absolutely believes in having faith. He just... doesn't. in the end, EVERYONE here is right. And that's why it's such a fantastic scene.


I think Oz could have argued his case better if he reminded them that he's thousands of years old so it's not possible for him to tell them EVERYTHING. Maybe have a frank discussion about the types of things your teammates consider priority information. Like the situation with the relic, putting the train passengers at risk.


Glad you like that phrase! Can't remember exact article we read when first hearing about it, but liked it as well so started using it 🤗


True, but circumstances are different now then when Qrow and the gang met OZ and went through the training program. Seems like time is of the essence now 🤗


I really had loved that end cut as well ("and her name was Salem") -- but boy was I glad I was binging the series at the time and didn't need to wait, lol! The last fifteen minutes of this episode was so well-crafted, with the visuals, the music, and the dialogue and character responses -- and I love how Oscar has not yet been assimilated into Ozpin, so in this case he turns on Ozpin and locks him down long enough for Ruby to use the relic. I have always felt bad for Oscar because he didn't ask to slowly merge with Ozpin and in a sense lose himself -- but this episode reveals that his loyalties are with Team RWBY. I love too what you mentioned about the team closing ranks around Ruby IMMEDIATELY when Qrow steps forward. Qrow's intentions were plausibly benign, but he immediately rethinks and empowers Ruby to decide what to do. At one point in time (and we've already seen the photo), Qrow was on the "Team RWBY" of his generation, and his character development continually shows his realization that his "moment in the sun" is diminishing while Team RWBY's is ascending, and so he's learning how to best trust and mentor the new Huntresses instead of being the actual hero himself. I am not anti-Ozpin either, I like that the show provides a somewhat nuanced view of him. I get what he's saying (it is heart-rending to have friends and loved ones pledge their trust over and over through the centuries, then slowly watch most of them fail or turn on him), but his pattern of hiding secrets and providing half-truths isn't going to work if he wants people to join his cause. That is a hard road to walk and I get it, but he doesn't have a choice if he wants his cause to succeed. While I have pretty much the same feelings about Adam as you both expressed, I wish they had fleshed him out just a little better. I think it was Bethany who said he was really just part of Blake's backstory -- and that's a fair assessment. But I would have liked just a little bit more understanding of why he was the way he became. This episode was just a really cool one, kind of jaw-dropping, and I love how it builds and builds through to the final moment.

Nyte's Halo

Honestly as much hassle Yang gives Oz for not telling the whole truth, she doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to leaving out important info. When she was asked about Raven and the Maiden once she recovered the relic, not only did she say that Raven was gone and Vernal was dead, she never once said that it was Raven that was the Maiden. Everyone else was led to believe that Vernal was the Maiden and Yang did nothing to reveal the truth about that, considering how important the Maidens actually are. And it's clear even in this episode she has never revealed the truth of the matter since they even stated there was no Maiden to seal the relic back up. To me she went from being the brash and troubled hothead to just a hotheaded hypocrite and has progressively gotten worse. As for Oz, I honestly don't blame him for acting how he does. Guy has lived through countless lives and has dealt with more hardship and betrayal than anyone else can ever claim. It's understandable to keep things to yourself. I don't think there's a person that can truly claim they wouldn't do the same in similar circumstances, and if they do they are lying, either to everyone else, or themselves. Hell I've only lived one life and I know I personally just trusting people on a good day, and I sure don't tell anyone, even my friends, everything about me or my life, past or current.


Seeing Sienna again was a real treat, she has an amazing design, but it the short really did serve more purpose than just giving her more screen time. One thing that RWBY has done well is making sure that, in time, the characters and their motives are at least understood... even those of the villains. The Adam short wasn't really to give us more understanding of his character, but to elaborate on information we already had by showing us first-hand. It really ties together a lot of what we've heard about Adam from Blake - after all, Blake said that he changed over time, little by little. - We got to see Adam growing more radical as time passed - when he leaps to defend the convoy, he is using only non-lethal attacks until he has to use his semblance to save Ghira. - We were told that Sienna was a new leader who believed in using violence when necessary, and this moment both cemented Adam as a hero in the White Fang, but also added more credence to Sienna's ideals. - Adam is initially shown to actually care about the cause of the Faunus, "it's time we get what we deserve," but grows more self-centered and manipulative... first with that scene with Blake, then his self-important, "it's time I get what I deserve." - We also see that the ideals that Blake said she once ascribed to Adam being the embodiment of may have once been true. At first he really was looking for justice, but we see him transforming to embody spite, just as Blake concluded. So yeah, we get to see how he managed to get into the position he's in and how the White Fang got to be how it was at the start of the series. He's still a manipulative, abusive bastard with a massive inferiority complex that he literally hides behind a mask and projections of superiority. He's supposed to be a bad guy that you hate, he's only a couple notches above Jaques Schnee in terms of likability, purely due to the cool-factor of his character design.




Meh, we’ll have to agree to disagree. That’s all stuff you could ascertain from the rest of the show and other than that single line nothing really shows he genuinely cared about the Faunus. That like could just as easily been more manipulation and him saving Ghira could just be interpreted as a product of his lust for violence. I think something that may have helped would have been to have included Blake in that scene and witnessed him saving her father’s life, which could have assisted in showing more of Blake’s violent radicalization. Which she’s alluded to, but we haven’t seen or heard much about. I also think I am just not a fan of the voice actor. He’s not very good at showing emotion.


The way you two both were like "NOOOOO!" at the cliffhanger was SO funny