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Early ad-free access to part 17 of our Naruto cutscenes journey. Itachi's truth is revealed 


Jason Rogue

I'M SO READY! Can i just say that this PART was what wanted me to have you two react to Naruto. The Tale of Itachi, Jiraiya and Pain are so good, as well as the upcoming arcs. Im so glad you decided to go on this journey. About the Truth, everything was true. Itachi did all that for the Hidden Leaf. You can say that it was the Uchiha clan that started the war. If you remember during the Shisui and Itachi part, they mentioned the Uchiha clan were planning to attack the Hidden Leaf. Itachi and Sasuke's father, Fugaku, had Itachi join the Anbu black ops as a spy for the Uchiha clan, that's when Itachi told the Hidden Leaf and they wanted Itachi to be a spy for the Village. If you remember Danzo, who stole Shisui's eye, he's responsible for the Uchiha discrimination passed down by the second Hokage Tobirama Senju. I won't go into detail why the second Hokage despised the Uchiha clan as that will be revealed later on. Just remember Hashirama Senju loved Madara Uchiha and they both created the Hidden Leaf. Obviously you didn't catch that when Sasuke used Amatarasu, his eye turned into Itachi's eye. In the end you also didn't catch that Sasuke awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan, if you look back his eyes are completely different.


So "Madara" is Tobi who is Obito. Tobi is his new name to avoid suspicion when undercover as just a "regular" Akatsuki member. It gets confusing since you guys watched it in chronological order, but Obito has been pretending to be Madara ever since Rin died while the real Madara passed away. As for the Itachi story, Ken has a really good theory but based on what earlier videos show this theory doesn't hold up. If you remember Shisui was Itachi's best friend, and he was tasked with the same mission as Itachi but instead chose to put the entire Uchiha clan under an illusion. It wasn't until Danzo stole Shisui's eye and beat him that Itachi found him. That's when Shisui killed himself to activate Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan, which led him to join the Akatsuki later when "Madara" asked him to join. This is also where Danzo, now that Shisui is dead, recruits Itachi to kill the village. So even though "Madara" is feeding Sasuke's anger, he is completely telling the truth. Itachi's trap for Madara/Obito was for two reasons. So Sasuke could live in ignorance of his brother's past and so that Madara/Obito couldn't recruit Sasuke to the Akatsuki war effort. At his core, Itachi still wants to protect the Hidden Leaf and he knew Sasuke would turn his revenge on his comrades if Madara/Obito exposed the truth. Even if it isn't necessarily to help Madara, Sasuke would go ahead and do it anyway. What Ken said about judgment is one of the biggest themes of Naruto. Everyone judges each other which leads to conflict and war. It's the reason why Itachi was talking so weirdly about reality before he died against Sasuke. Judgment also plays a big part in Jiraiya's chapter. Itachi, Jiraiya, and Pain's arcs are considered the best part of Naruto's story because they all revolve around the same idea of perspective. Jiraiya's chapter especially parallels Itachi's chapter for a lot of reasons.


cant wait to start watching these naruto reactions. I will wait til they get a bit further. Another one of my favorite animes didn't even see they were reacting to it! lol cant wait!

k c

Haven’t been able to watch yet, but if Gamer’s Playground hasn’t “properly” revealed the connection, then you should delete this. Edit: Sure enough, I wasn’t wrong. Delete this or edit out that major spoiler. It’ll be better revealed later.

k c

You guys need to skip over Jesus Santos’s comment. He completely spoils a big part of the series that hasn’t been explicitly explained yet. It’s not even related to this video section. It’s better to ignore it and experience those reveals as they come.

k c

Also, “Anime’s not supposed to be this freaking depressing.” Ahahahahahahaha!!!


jesus santos comment spoils a MASSIVE part

k c

That’s crazy. But, anyway, keep in mind that they are reacting to like a 24 hour video by Gamer’s Little Playground where the uploader put the clips (they’re viewing the games’ cutscenes if you didn’t know) in chronological order… So they know about things like the Akatsuki before they should lol.


"Hes gotta be the most tragic character" Oh boy if only