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So these movies are tough to find. They are on Crunchy Roll but no English Dub. We got DVDs and our Amazon associate link is down below if you want to pick them up. They have English dub and choice between American and Japanese music which is pretty cool.

However, for these movies we are going to show the picture, but only three seconds at a time to adhere to copyright rules. Not something we are sure we can always do but for these movies we thought we could make an exception.

Movies 6-9 (has Bojack) - https://amzn.to/3TyohzP

Movies 10-13 (has the other four movies we will be reacting to) - https://amzn.to/3RscAaV


Christopher Collier

In case I missed the memo, what other movies will you guys be watching. I know you’re watching the movies for Super, so are those what you refer to?

k c

I’m working, so I can’t watch, right now. But Bojack is a really good movie. Can’t wait. Which other movies are y’all checking out? Never-mind that question lol. I checked the update again.


Hey, can you guys react to the One Piece Netflix live action? Dragon Ball's author and One Piece's author are fans of each other's works. They did interviews together. Just to say that if you enjoy Dragon Ball, you will love One Piece.


Please do not watch Bio-Broly (Movie 11), it's an insult to the character, fans and an all round awful movie that kills the epicness that you will see prior, in Movie 10. Most DBZ fans will agree with me. The other 3 movies after this are cool though

Christopher cdrom1019 DeLucia

welp. I'm 10 minutes in and realizing that the versions you guys got were remastered. Looks like they were done really well too. Most avid DBZ fans now look for 4:3 cuts, but you guys got a 16:9 cut that isn't just a zoomed in frame, so you're getting the full shot. Also your versions are using the original audio score, and not the americanized score we got in the late 90s early 00's. Aaaaand finally, i remembered my copy of bojack isn't uncut. Guess I'll have to purchase the remasters


Oh wow, I'm real glad you guys are watching with the original Kikuchi score, it adds so much! The remastered footage looks good too, solid copy you guys picked; looking forward to the rest of the films (well maybe, maybe not, the Broly ones ;)

BlackVelvet Prospero

TFS had a difficult time adapting Bojack Unbound to Abridged (It was even more difficult than Broly!), so they didn't, but they still acknowledge the movie in HFIL, meaning it did happen and it's part of DBZA.


Can’t wait to react to the other movies and yeah the only canon movies are Battle of Gods, Resurrection F, Super Broly and Super Hero. All really great

Jaique Arnett



If I recall, KaiserNeko specifically mentioned that Bojack has barely any lip flaps to work with. That and the non-characterization of Bojack and literally all of the minions probably contributed heavily to the writer's block with Bojack. Even making him a literal space pirate didn't do any favors for the writing of the guy.


Can’t wait for them to react to Super Broly movie tho, probably the best Dragon Ball movie but they have to finish Dragon Ball Super first


Check their December update. It has their watching plan there

k c

It was very interesting watching this with two different soundtracks lol. I kind of wish you guys did the Bruce Falconer (American) version. I think it fits and sounds better.


why is it bad cause ididnt really watch the old dbz movies

Angel M

I found for atleast how I watch the full watch along reactions (2 phones stacked 😂) u can still sync the Crunchyroll movies with y’all’s movies, but just use purely the audio from y’all’s video, another thing I’ve seen other reactors do is show the video of the movie the entire time but smaller and with like 80% opacity bars running through it, I’ve seen people do it for entire movies and shows, which could be an option aswell! Either way thank yall for this reaction love this movie, hype for the next couple!

Angel M

Also as for movies, yea they’re not techinically cannon, but still follow the same dbz timeline depending on when it was made, so this one was in the time after cell, before buu but in another timeline or universe of events that aren’t cannon to the original story, same with future and past movies!

Angel M

It’s… pretty low on my list of dbz movies that fs 😭


Tbh, i think most if not all the dbz movies are bad lol. I've never watched Bio Broly, but I can only assume the writing for the characters is awful. I can't even sit and watch Bojack Unbound 😅


They seemed to think somewhat the same regarding the Buu arc. They didn't want to come back and make something they weren't proud of which would have been impossible given the material they had to work with.


I agree that most DBZ movies are kinda eh, Second Coming and Bio Broly being especially bad but we’ll see what they think. If for nothing else they’ll probably enjoy Fusion Reborn and Wrath of the Dragon assuming they cover the latter.


i think the only good dbz movies are starting with the battle of the gods above even though botg is still super since its the start


Agreed. Super's movies have been really good. Those are honestly the only Dragonball films I own What they did for Broly in Super is night and day compared to DBZ Broly.


yeah checking out the one piece netflix live action is something we are down to do. Not sure when, but we are open to it for sure. 🤗


Sounds good. We've heard it wasn't the best so we will skip it and wait to see if there is enough interest for us to check it out.


Yeah we were pretty impressed with the DVDs we got of these as they gave you the option of original Japanese music or America music which was pretty cool to have that option along with the English dub 😃


Maybe we will switch it up and use American version for some more movies. So are all the movies the same composer? (Bruce Falconer?) Because we have heard a lot of love for his music so would be interested to check it out


Thanks for letting us know. Do you have names of reactors that do that so we can check out their patreon? Its tough because we've also seen some people get notices from companies and have it affect their Patreon. 🤔

Christopher cdrom1019 DeLucia

My blu rays came in the other day. Same options. The difference in quality is astounding. Only kinda sad you might not watch lord slug with the US audio


Bruce Faulconer (or more accurately his team) did the score for most of the original American release of DBZ but were very seldomly used with regards to the movies. The American scores for Broly - Second Coming, Fusion Reborn and Wrath of the Dragon were all done by Nathan Johnson (who is ironically now like a state senator of Texas, lol what?). So to answer your question, no, the movies don't contain the Faulconer score that you've heard so much about, but they are scores themselves are certainly interesting in their own right. I'd recommend the American score for Fusion Reborn and maybe Wrath of the Dragon out of personal preference but honestly, the Japanese score works just as well.

k c

@Halibel I like it well enough. I’m sure what people are talking about when they complain. I wish they had Bio-Broly as a character in a game, even.

k c

Do you guys just not like the movies because they’re not canon or… I know people have different tastes, but I’m seeing more negative than positive comments. Kind of sad.

k c

@Gus I don’t care what they say. The Buu arc would have been fun and hilarious. Heck. It already is.

k c

You’re not the only person watching. Just skip the reaction if they watched it lol. Like what?


I highly recommend that you guys check out lord slug, cooler’s revenge, legendary super saiyan broly, broly second coming, super android 13, return of cooler, fusion reborn and wrath of the dragon with the American soundtrack. The American soundtrack on those movies specifically just hit different, and adds to the violence and the action of these movies. And imo just fit the movies more and the rock music is just too good.

Eric M Brown

Honestly if you want to watch one time where Goku does genuinely not care about the fight and was only there for Gohan. You can watch the Raditz fight in DBZ Kai, you don't have to do it on screen but the entire first few episodes of Kai