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Bro trip for some Primarchs in If The Emperor Had a Text to Speech Device


Karl-Alexander Papp

Heyo! Always adore these uploads, I so love that you stuck with this series. Quick little comment, I think pausing the video to read the little side notes is perfectly acceptable since the pause only takes a few seconds and the context added can be substantial despite the brevity. I've watched this series many-a-time and brief pauses for context has never been a detriment. I think if you pause it immediately, you'd lose nothing, and if you pause it right at the end of each pop-up's duration, you'd only miss like 2 or 3 jokes throughout this entire 50+ episode (think its 68 if we include side content) series. Anyway, I love the road trip, "I must boop the snoot" and "VULKAN LIVES **stomp stomp**" are two of the WH40k community's biggest memes. So is Sly Marbo (anagram for Rambo), he's 40k's Chuck Norris and the memes are...chef's kiss.


Ah okay. Should've guessed the anagram for Rambo haha. And thanks for letting us know and weighing in on the pausing. We don't do it on our videos so didn't want to change things up and have people think we are going to be pause reactors now haha. But for this if it doesn't disrupt the flow for the viewer then we are down to try it