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RWBY Volume 5 Finale!



what you said about bullies was well said, I was badly bullied in middle school (7th-8th) by a boy in my gym class. He liked to pick on me about my appearance, which was something I was already really insecure about like most people my age, but even more so because I have a skin condition. This went on for a year, I got so used to it that began to just ignore everything he said and did to me; he called me names? Ignore. He'd snap my bra strap in line? Ignore. He'd pull my hair? Ignore. And eventually, he got bored and left me alone. So yeah! What you said really meant a lot to me!


So sorry you went through that, but glad you came out the other side. It's not easy to do. Our pride and our anger tells us to fight back. to yell at them. to do something. It's so hard to just ignore. Very impressed you were able to rise above all that 🤗


I had smiled a bit when you mentioned Raven's self-interest at the end of the Episode 13 reaction, knowing what was coming in the finale -- because Yang gets what she wants by appealing to her mother's worst instinct of self-interest, knowing that she isn't likely to rise past it. At the end, it might be the first time we actually see Raven show remorse, yet she still can't/won't rise to the occasion -- and Yang is "sorry too" for needing to play that card... plus of course how everything has shaken out between the two of them.