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Early ad-free access to part 15 of our Naruto journey. Hebi Formation.


k c

*Hebi lol


Karin is healer, the game didn’t explain her healing ability

k c

They would’ve found out eventually.


dont underestimate tobi, he will be an interesting character in the future. youll see :)


Differences: (in the original) 1. Deidara like here is extremely mad a the Sasuke because he is an Uchiha. This is because they didn't show the flashback where when Deidara was recruited, Itachi easily and embarrassingly defeated him. Itachi, too, was smug and Deidara, being an artist (his clay), felt very looked down upon. Hence why he really wants to kill Sasuke. 2. Sasuke survived the explosion due to summoning Orochimarus favorite pet snake and hiting inside it's mouth as the explosion happened. The snake died because of this, but Sasuke used it to stay safe 3.vAs they said Orochimaru was very weak when Sasuke defeated him. This is because 3 years ago Orochimaru attacked the village. The 3rd Hokage sacrificed himself in order to seal away the use of Orochimaru's arms. Therefore, most jutsu would be out of his reach. Orochimaru's transference technique would cure his arms by giving him a new body. However, after 3 years that body grows weak. But Orochimaru hopes Sasuke can be his ultimate and true vessel that doesn't reject or get weaker with time

Jason Rogue

They saw Itachi defeat Deidara so long along ago, maybe part 5 or 6.


I remember that now you bring it up. It was so long ago even i forgot. But still, the reason I put down all this was for clarity. They probably don't remember that either. But you are right it did show it albeit out of order


FYI for the future: they don’t go over Karin’s backstory in game or manga but instead in a filler episode but it is canon. One of the few times in anime/manga where a filler episode is canon. Her personality will make perfect sense if you know her backstory. She acts like a bitch to everyone in public because of what happened to her and she trusts exact 1 person: Sasuke. She and her mother share the same kind of power and due to the healing ability they both have, the village she is originally from ran her mother just to her own death by overuse and exhaustion. She was a thing - an object and not a person to them. When the mother died it was Karin’s then to take over and one day Orochimaru showed up and kill them all and took her to abuse her ability further. Nobody in her whole life showed her kindness or respect ever except for Sasuke. He alone saved her, protected her from the abuse she suffered around her power, treated her kindly, etc. so she fell for him and became obsessive over him. She is her true self with him and hella wants to jump his bones but if she’s in public or around anyone else she is afraid of what others will think or attempt to do to her so as to protect herself from everyone, she treats them like shit so that nobody will get close enough to get to hurt her again. So, keep this in mind for the future because it explains why she is how she is.


The game doesn't show it very well but Sasuke barely survived that fight, Deidara was actually pretty intimidating and powerful and had Sasuke on the ropes most of the fight.


Tobi is a good boy


Deidara was very strong, but unfortunately for him Sasuke had the advantage of knowing Lighting Nature against Deidara's Earth Nature. Lightning beats Earth in Naruto, so Deidara was at a major disadvantage from the start. Sasuke actually was less struggling and more going through the motions of the fight. Deidara indeed did push him but it wasn't until the suicide attack that Sasuke was caught off guard for a second.

k c

DND Spoiler: More like this is a spoiler. Hopefully, they’re so far it doesn’t matter…

Justin Arzola

Orochimaru was literally on his death bed in the anime and manga, highlighting his illness.