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Raven swinging round her sword, and Qrow landing on his in V4. The Branwen twins just have STYLE


Raven saved Yang once, because that is her rule.


maiden powers go to whoever was in the final thoughts. unless its a man or some old lady. then the power goes to someone random.


To receive the maiden powers you cannot be: Male Too old A maiden already Raven is iirc 42 so she’s too old and she’s also a maiden so she is doubley excluded from receiving maiden powers. She must’ve gotten spring’s powers sometime in her late 20’s to early 30’s but that’s my speculation because it isn’t stated the exact time that she received them but just that she does have them.

Megan Saunders

So this is the episode I alluded to last week. Jaune isn't a healer per se - his Semblance allows him to boost the Aura of the people around him at will. Aura does heal their bodies like he said, so when he boosts their Aura, he can accelerate healing, but it's the person healing themselves essentially. But his Semblance is way more than just accelerating healing - when Huntsmen and Huntresses use their Semblances, they're pulling from their Aura pool (World of Remnant episode on Aura) - so if he boosts their Auras, he can amplify the strength of the person's Semblance and make their Semblance stronger. As far as the Maiden powers go - in Volume 3 they said that "when a Maiden dies, her aura leaves her body and seeks out a new host." They also stated that the only thing they knew for sure was that the first candidate had to be a young woman (no clarity on what age is considered cutoff for "young", but I would imagine late 20's - early 30's would be the appropriate age) and the first candidate was the person in the dying Maiden's final thoughts. If the Maiden was thinking of a man or an "old" woman, the power would go to someone random who did fit the conditions. As for whether someone who is already a Maiden could then gain more power upon the death of another Maiden - the rules there are unclear. Remember that the original Maidens were all sisters who loved each other, so they would never have fought each other to try to obtain the others' powers. The Maidens were created by Ozpin in a previous life, which implies that - for the most part - they have always been his allies and the guardians of the Relics, so again - no reason for them to fight each other. In Vol 3, Qrow did allude to the possibility that someone unscrupulous has been a Maiden in the past, but no clear-cut details there. What Cinder was doing was trying to artificially gain all four of the Maidens' powers. She wouldn't have been the Fall Maiden at all, except that she used that little bug Grimm when she attacked Amber, and it absorbed the Maiden powers for her. Cinder was basically "holding" the Maiden powers, but she's not a Maiden naturally. Even when Amber died and Cinder got the rest of the power, it's more likely that it was - as Ironwood put it - the power seeking out its other half, rather than Cinder getting the powers naturally. In this volume we saw Cinder had a Grimm arm - possibly an extension of the bug Grimm - and she was using it to try to artificially absorb the Spring power when she attacked Vernal - but Vernal never had the power - Raven always had it and Vernal was acting as Raven's bodyguard / decoy. But we don't know enough about the previous Maidens to know if one of them has ever had to kill another of their sister-Maidens and what would happen if they did. My headcanon is that unless the dying Maiden absolutely thought of a candidate who fit the qualifications, it would go to someone random, rather than another Maiden. I also have the headcanon that - if he wanted to - Ozpin would be the only person alive who could naturally hold all four Maiden powers again, since the power originally came from him when he created them (World of Remnant episode on the Four Maidens) and he has the ability to take the powers back if he chooses to, but until now he hasn't chosen to because the safeguards in the way the power passes has ensured he hasn't needed to. Sorry for another long rant!

Beowolf Chow

Specifically, these are the conditions to be chosen randomly. Cinder being the exception, as she was cheating the system.

Beowolf Chow

Once more, I like some of the subtle messaging here around Raven. The fight has a few in the choreography that show Raven is anticipating Cinder's reactions, but the end of the fight has the best one, I think. Raven walks over to Vernal, closes her eyes with gentle care, and then steps over her body, instead of walking around it. To me, that little act speaks volumes, as Vernal was both literally and figuratively the body Raven stepped over to reach her goal, as that was the most straightforward path.

Bryan Forquer

I definitely feel that the Raven Vs. Cinder fight is an underrated one that doesn't get mentioned enough amongst the fandom. But also that moment of Blake and Yang finally seeing each other again is what us Bumbleby fans had been waiting forever for. I love that when Blake saw Yang, Weiss, and Ruby, the only name that Blake said out loud was Yang's. Can't wait to see you start volume 6, it's definitely gonna be a wild ride.


Raven is actually one of my Favorite characters! (Right after Ruby and Blake) :D she‘s as Tai said, very complicated and a interesting Character! c:


One of the parts of the Raven/Cinder fight that I personally love and is missed by many is the detail in the minor expressions that really show the feelings of both characters in the fight. Cinder starts off cocky and thinking she has it in the bag, but as they are fighting among the falling rocks and Raven clearly has the upper hand, you can slow it down and see that Raven is smirking while Cinder is panicking. The action is going so fast at that point that you only really see it clearly if you slow it down, but it's just such a nice level of attention to detail - they could have put less effort into those expressions and 99% of viewers wouldn't have known any different.

freshyjazzy12 .

One of the supposed "Big Bads" and Blake somehow takes Adam down with one hit.....Press X to Doubt, if there's one character they fumbled the bag on it's definitely Adam because he completely started becoming a whiny baby instead of a force to be reckoned with. The mishandling of that character is crazy. Absolutely looooveeee the Raven v Cinder fight, the way the camera spins around with all the moving pieces from the rocks falling to the characters flinging themselves all over the place is always a great sight. Raven is definitely in my top RWBY Characters, she's amazing.


This specific scenario I agree did not live up to it's potential at all and yes that's phrased politely. But Adam was always a "whiny baby", just some people built up an idea in their heads about him because it took so long to get anything more than a few showboat scenes. And some other people simply didn't recognize what they were seeing all along, because his character follows a very intuitive arc. But again... this specific section of it is among the worst in the series.

freshyjazzy12 .

He didn’t become a whiny baby until Blake got back into the picture. When she was gone he was being menacing and betrayed their leader to gain more power in the faction. And the whole time they had been saying he “cares” about his men only for him to try and kill everyone. From a writing perspective I need them to actually plant these seeds in his character because it looks like they just randomly appeared. And as a villain he just goes downhill from here to where he’s not even a threat. It’s piss poor character writing.

Encyclo Chemeleon

really have to get a little rowdy with that first lstatement of yours (in a joking way). because i really hate that "blake took adam down in one hit" like is just, factually inaccurate. is "taking someone down" were to be measured by that mechanic all of RWBY and JNR have been "taken down" like 30 times put together. mid swing is the time you are always most off balance. plus he was leaned forward. Blake reallt didnt do much of anything really it was a bad attack by Adam. though if we really wann point out "bad ideas" lets not forget Blake shadow clone dodged the same direction as his swing instead of the opposite way meaning she still could have gotten hit


Yea the season is just about done. The real bangers are about to start. Honestly my favorite opening theme is for season 7 but you two are closer now. Lots of moments coming where it's going to be beautiful and I know you two will be smiling alot. A couple songs will definitely have you guys all holding hands on screen lol. Love the series. Have a great week.


Wonder why that is her rule. Hopefully we get that reasoning or maybe she said why and we missed it? Or its just her rule and thats it haha


Thanks for answering our questions in detail. No worries about a long post. We appreciate the enthusiasm and info as always! We just finished watching the season finale and have come up with another theory as to who the Maiden power could be transferred to 😊


Not sure it was mishandled. We actually cover Adam in the next episode as we just watched the season finale this weekend. Not saying that you are wrong because he is way different now then earlier, but maybe after our explanation you can at least see it a different way 😜

freshyjazzy12 .

That’s a good way to put it, he’s very different currently and these differences weren’t hinted at during the Beacon stuff or Flashbacks, so going from killing Sienna to sounding like a baby and trying to blow up his own people was very jarring personally. Just started being more of an eyesore than a villain. Can’t wait to hear y’all’s thoughts!!

Davie Campbell

Thats literally what abusers do when you confront them though. They crumble. I personally think adam was handled well, not perfectly but well.