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Early ad-free access to our Youtube edit reaction for Dragon Ball Z Kai #159



Oh yeah, Vegeta may say he got a family to compete, but as we saw with his Final Atonement (and even when he attacked Cell when he killed Trunks, despite knowing that was Gohan’s fight and not his) he very much grew to care for them. Won’t name specifics, but in Super we will see how much Vegeta cares for his family. Some fans even joke around that Vegeta is a better family man than Goku.


Honestly, as far as "recollection speeches" go in shows, Vegeta's admittance of Goku's superiority is one of my favorites. There is on more in this show that surpasses it, and I'm curious how it's going to go in Kai, as there's multiple versions of it in the original Z. Out of curiosity, how do you feel about Kid Buu, now that you've fully experienced him? Personally, he's my favorite Buu form, just purely chaotic energy, yet not necessarily evil. No regard for life, but there's no malice behind his actions. He's just having fun. He's not a good guy, obviously, but he's fun.


Kid Buu didn't have as much of an impact on us because he was just like a rabid dog. But also not as powerful as the other Buus. He didn't give us quite the rage we felt against Super Dick Buu or the kind of hidden joy from Majin Buu. Because we liked Fat Kirby at times but also he was murdering people, so...yeah. Conflicted. Kid Buu/Keto Kirby was just a bad guy that needed to go down. 🤗