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Early ad-free access to our Storyteller Fallout Season 4 Episode 5 and 6 Reaction


Knight Spearhead

We dont know much of what happened outside the United States but the occupation of canada is brought up a few times in posters and in fallout 1 or 2 at the start we see video of a US soldier in power armor executing a canadian american for resisting occupation. The main theory behind why it was invaded was for Military Supply lines as China invaded Alaska for the Oil and Alaska doesnt have any roads connecting to the US except through canada. The wars mentioned were wars that led to The Great War or The dropping of the bomb. Though the bombs were dropped there was still quite a bit of conventional warfare as the storyteller mentioned the war lasted 11 years before china decided to launch the nukes. Alot of people assume the main change in fallout happened around the 1960s hence the style of pre-war 2077 fallout 4. But theres evidence of changes happening sooner because of Alien Abductions mentioned in the mothership zeta dlc and Fallout 76: Alien Invasions

Knight Spearhead (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-24 03:28:00 Funny you guys mention Al Capone. Because of the way Maxon brings the fight to the institute and how his troops treat the commonwealth alot of people who dont like the BoS view maxon as a sort of "Strongman Dictator" alot of people fear what he will become after the fall of the institute.
2023-11-23 18:30:19 Funny you guys mention Al Capone. Because of the way Maxon brings the fight to the institute and how his troops treat the commonwealth, people who dont like the BoS(myself included) view maxon as a sort of "Strongman Dictator" alot of people fear what he will become after the fall of the institute.

Funny you guys mention Al Capone. Because of the way Maxon brings the fight to the institute and how his troops treat the commonwealth, people who dont like the BoS(myself included) view maxon as a sort of "Strongman Dictator" alot of people fear what he will become after the fall of the institute.

John Danziger

If you like Al Capone, you need to watch The Untouchables if you haven't seen it already. One of the best "gangster" movies ever made with an all star cast to boot


Short of using a High Powered Sniper Rifle or a Gauss Rifle from a long distance, or a Minigun with Power Armor, fighting a Death Claw in single combat and winning is pretty much one of the most impossible things any wastelander will ever do in their life. Using melee weapons, even while wearing Power Armor, will likely lead to your demise since Death Claws rip through Power Armor as if it were a tincan of sardines. You better hope you have a giant buster sword and the most advance tricked up Power Armor around if you plan on using melee against one of these monsters. Don't even bother with an Alpha unless you are sitting comfortable in an elevated and unreachable position, and with the most powerful long range weapon you can find. Using a gun against a Death Claw in single combat at the age of 13 will most definitely not deflate such an achievement.


I personally never got the impression that Maxson was a diplomat. At least he was no more talented in that regard than any other run-of-the-mill head of state. As far as leaders go, he behaved more like a strongman if you ask me. He essentially undid everything Elder Lyon and his daughter achieved and returned the East Coast Brotherhood to the original mission (which is what the fandom wanted). That's how he (or rather the writers) reunited the East Coast Brotherhood, and West Coast Brotherhood: by hitting Ctrl Z on all their Fallout 3 character development. That's how I view it anyways.


yeah it seems like the strongman persona is more in line with him as both you and Knight Spearhead mentioned him in those specific words.

Knight Spearhead

He is decent by Fallout standards but they are a American military based faction at heart and by now you guys have seen a bit of what the pre-war America was like, its the red scare on steroids lol