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Early ad-free access to our Youtube Edit reaction for Cyberpunk Edgerunners episode 6



This show has been great so far, cant wait for the next episode!


You two have a great balance on when to talk and not, this was one time you two hardly spoke as you were just engrossed in the events, the shock, the awe, the peril unfolding in front of you of characters that you have loved. Some small world notes Trauma team are pretty well armed as seen they also will call in Max tech as also seen. So there is a fear on them tracking. The other note is Platinum package means that full revival is possible as long as the brain is intact and not too long has passed. Jimmy K in the last episode had such so his creepy smile was not of worry as he can come back due to his package. In this episode Trauma team gave up when Tanaka's head was brutally destroyed and that is went they count their client as dead. Also why we have seen Pilar (Pervy stretch arm strong) and Dario having themselves shot in the head, once the brains gone that is you no matter how much tech you have on you. Granted CyberPunk 2077 the games explores that, to 99% of Night City "Keep your head"


very good episode