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Fallout Storyteller series Season 3 Episodes 21 and 22


Knight Spearhead

Towards the end of the Sino-American war FEV was first started to be developed to combat a new plague that was rising in the states similar to The Black Death or Covid-19 on scale of infection. But the military heads at the time figured that the "cure" being developed could be used to make super soldiers. According to one of the original creators of Fallout(Tim Cain) The Great War started because of the development of FEV. The American government also had there hands on actual alien tech which led to alot more technological progress and thusly experiments

Curtis Calvin

Frank Horrigan is by far the best fallout villain and the hardest boss fight imo. Just hearing his lines makes a shiver go up my spine especially after you've seen what he's done up till that point of the game.