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KARF is Kirito (is) Always Right Foundation

Skyler Van

Wow. Trunks is kinda a dick in this series. The bat wasn't laughing. That was Yui. The bat was just following them.

Hawk of Battle

"The patient displays narcissistic and borderline sociopathic behavior. Especially when engaging with her brother Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito aka xXx_kIrIto_xXx_KillMe aka Daddy. This seems to stem from deeply held resentment, as well as internalized self-hatred regarding her own femininity, most likely originating from an as-yet-unknown event in the siblings' early childhood. The lifelong repression of these feelings seems to have bled into her other relationships as well, causing her to lash out at those she perceives weaker than herself. This behavior is most evident when interacting with her "friend" Recon, whom she CLEARLY has romantic feelings for, yet takes every opportunity to belittle and keep at emotional distance, even though we can all tell what's going on and she should just admit she likes him and treat that poor, sweet, boy with the love and compassion he deserves! In short, I believe someone or something caused her to view any display of more traditionally feminine traits as something to be ashamed of, and seems to lay the blame solely on her brother. As for why this is the case, further investigation shall be needed." In case you were wondering what else it said on Yui's psych evaluation of Leafa.


Oh..not the bat..

Jan Negrey

8:00 - "Oooh a Sprigand" followed by the sound of plastic glove for cavity searches.

Alex Smith

The worst part is, in the original, Suguha wasn't grossed out by Kirito. She actually had a thing for him.

Damarco W

You guys should check out “a slap on titan” next!