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Early ad-free access to our reaction for SAO Abridged Episode 9


Skyler Van

Rosalia was from a couple episodes ago when they were reviving Silica's pet dragon. She was trying to kill them with her team. Kirito beat them and had his sword partly in her neck and she said that he should enjoy it while he could because it was the deepest he'd ever be in a woman. Also, not sure if you saw the other messages, but TeamFourStar released clips from the Buu saga recently. I think it's only up until Vegeta's Sacrifice. So, you're already beyond where they end.


Just in case you didn't know why he said "suck it rosalia" at the end. Rosalia was the woman that wanted to make leather pants in episode 4 and that ambushed him and celica on the bridge. When Kirito kills her she says "Enjoy this while you can. It's the deepest you'll ever be in a woman".

Christopher cdrom1019 DeLucia

you haven't missed anything. They're teasing the intro of a new character up to this point. But the ring vibes were probably on purpose. Also remember that the Kirito you're seeing in this series isn't exactly the same as the official series. SWE took a lot of liberties writing around Kirito to give him a better sense of character development that wasn't given to him in the light novels.


"Asuna just comes in, and boom." This is one of the reasons why SAOA is liked so much in comparison to the main series. They let Asuna be a badass. Just as in episode 8, this is another episode where Asuna was undermined in the original. The scene with Asuna rescuing Kirito from Kuradeel plays out just like here, except Asuna DOESN'T kill Kuradeel. She turns to go comfort Kirito after Kuradeel surrenders, and then Kuradeel ambushes her while her back is turned, and KIRITO has to save Asuna and kills Kuradeel. They just won't let her have a victory over Kirito! That's why I love her mocking "NOOOOO" in this after Kuradeel asks if she's really going to let him live.

Lijnaito2021 !

I always get so excited for Sundays because I know it's another SAO abridged reaction. So currently they're up to 17 SWE likes to make updates every now and then of where the process is and I believe they're almost done with the script for 18. Then they would have to do the animation and the voices and everything. So it's still going to be a couple months but I'd say probably by the beginning of next year we'd have 18


Hah, are you kidding? LATE next year at best. As a comparison, they first announced they were done with scripting 17 in February 2022. The episode first premiered live on their anniversary stream in April 2023. They might've held on to that one for the anniversary, though. As another comparison, they update they first mentioned being done with 16's scripting is January 2021. The first update they make talking about the release of the episode(to Patreon) is January 2022. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing them. They do very high quality work, and that quality takes a while. I'm just trying to advise a more realistic timeframe.)


It's the case where in the original we are constantly told how amazing of a player she is, but she's always made into Kirito's damsel in distress any time she'd have her moments to shine. In SAOA, the edit allows Asuna to have agency and it makes her an even better counterpart to Kirito as a result.


I feel this made sense in the original because Asuna and Kirito treat killing people with the appropriate weight.


I get what you're saying but contest the word "appropriate". Stale, naive, or perhaps most accurate: sanctimonious, fit better. Dude committed premeditated murder not a minute prior and was 99% through a second one and only stopped because he was overpowered. And in the original by now both Kirito and Asuna had killed people (the assault on Laughing Coffin referenced here). No they aren't happy about it, no they aren't eager to do it again, but in this scenario holding back for a moral victory and not even securing Kuradeel as a prisoner is some grade A stupid bullshit. With half the experiences they had at this point and half the emotional turmoil, it would still be more than justified, reasonable, and expected of her character to have ended the fool ASAP. "Appropriate weight" is a concept for court rooms not combat.

James Wise

Yeah it is taking them a year plus to get episodes out. But when they do it is worth it!

James Wise

Yup, Asuna is OP! And if you think she is badass now, she shows off even more later!