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This was supposed to be released for Definitely Kooky Crew yesterday. Apologies for the delay! Early ad-free access to our Youtube Edit reaction for Star Wars Revenge of the Sith



John Danziger

"Grievous is looking extra Hagred this time" "You're a wizard now Ani, an' a thumpin' good 'un, I'd say, once yeh've been trained up a bit."

Jennifer Sunderland

Sadly, some of the best fight choreography didn't make it into the film. Palpatine's fight against the jedi was originally far more complex and impressive, but it was cut out because Lucas wanted Ian McDiarmid to do most of it himself for close ups, and he just isn't a swordsman or a stuntman. The fight between Anakin and Dooku was also a lot longer and more technically complex. And there's footage of Hayden Christensen rehearsing it with a stuntman. But that content was cut for the version we see in the movie too, for some reason (possibly for the same reason; Lucas may have wanted Christopher Lee to do most of it. And although Christopher Lee actually WAS a trained swordsman, he was just too old for the frenetic choreography). Having said that, the fight scenes are still really good. The fight between Anakin and Obi Wan felt a bit indulgent at the time, but looking back at it today, it's honestly the best fight scene in the entire franchise. And yeah, the writing is kinda clunky. "From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!". That's just....so on the nose writing. The original trilogy had a lot of help with the dialogue. Alec Guinness just outright refused to say some lines, and Lucas had a lot of help from people who cleaned up the script for him. But he didn't have that in the prequels. It was unfiltered Lucas. Visionary genius. Not a great writer.

Justin Lira Aguero

i can tell you how and why grevious sounds like he is coughing but i feel it would be a spoiler, it showed a scene of events that happened before the start of this movie where grevious attempt to kidnap the Chancelor its form one of the old cartoon animation series of Star Wars the clone wars from the early 2000s.

Justin Lira Aguero

incase you didn't pick it up at the end with padme's funeral u see her holding necklace/charm, that charm is what anakin carved and made to give to padme when they first met in episode 1 of the movie when he was a little boy and asked padme if she was an angel

Jason Rogue

When did this happen? And why am I now getting a notification about it?


You should've had notification awhile ago since it was open to the top tier. But we just released it to early access Youtube edits now.