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Checking out all four parts for the Diablo IV Book of Lorath



Awesome rendition of great lore. Cain is irreplaceable, but elder Lorath (and his voice actor) is a good torch bearer. Lorath's voice actor is so good, if the game ends up having the same attention and care post launch as the marketing campaign is getting Blizzard just might regain a good chunk of their credibility on D4's back alone. Notice how Inarius' and Lilith's branches both touching each other, as if its signifying that they were both connected in the creation of all things. Maltheals branch has twisted thorns on it due to him being literally twisted into darkness, and Diablos branch is the thickest because he was the strongest. Very cool touch and very clever!


Oh I was going to recommend this reaction. Neat. I only discovered it the other day. It leaves so much out, but it's manages to provide enough for someone that just wants to jump into Diablo 4 without playing the previous games, or reading any books.

John Danziger

I have booked a 13 day cruise to Sanctuary. The brochure makes it look like a happy, fun, and carefree destination filled with unicorns, Fauns, Gnomes, and the Loch Ness Monster! They are even hosting a program they call "dating a demon" that is modeled after The Dating Game. I am really excited about the final destination of the cruise. We get to go to Hello Kitty Adventure Island! Another great video reaction explaining the long history of Diablo