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Early access for our Fight Night Friday of One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 All Ultimates


Jason Rogue

Nice, hopefully soon we can see some Hyrule Warriors (Zelda Warriors). Those games were a blast.

Jason Rogue

To be honest, I've played it and completely forgot about it. I'll make a playlist for them

Christopher LoBosco Jr.

I'll try to give some ground level things that won't spoil any story beats, I believe the story of One Piece is best experienced knowing as little as possible, the story itself does an incredible job of explaining the world as you need to know things and keeps you wondering about so many other things as you progress and learn more. There's whole YouTube careers that have been made off One Piece theories alone, not to mention other topics surrounding the story! Hopefully my long-winded info dump helps you understand some things! Only one person is responsible for creating the story and characters of One Piece and that man is Eiichiro Oda. So every single character design and personality are all from the mind of one man. Oda-sensei has been drawing and writing the One Piece manga since 1997 and as of me writing this comment, the story is still continuing on today and has reached it's final saga. The guess on how long before the story ends is still up in the air. Some estimate between 3-7 years left for the story to finally be finished. Some of fiction's greatest mysteries are in One Piece no to mention the character writing and world building stand with literary greats such as Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings, Dune and other monolithic literary works. Devil Fruits are a strange power system indeed, I would say it's a more soft magic system but with some very well defined rules, so more of a hybrid I guess you could say. This power system allows for Oda to be very creative with the powers he gives his characters. Not to mention the characters in One Piece have very distinct silhouettes, and make them incredibly recognizable especially our main crew! Oh yeah, the One Piece world itself is a completely different world from our own, not just in timeline but also geography. You will see many places that take inspiration from our world but that's the only ties it has. Now to give you a little better idea of devil fruits, here is what we are told about them early on: The devil fruits are supposedly incarnations of the sea devil and by eating the fruit you gain special powers, but the sea will hate you and you will never be able to swim again. The One Piece world is a seafaring world so not being able to swim is a treacherous thing especially for someone who spends all their time on the seas!! Also, what power each fruit has is anyone's guess, so you wont know if your eyes can shoot laser beams until you chomp down and see what strange metamorphosis your body goes through! If you decide to pick up One Piece, you may learn more about these mysterious fruits but that can't happen unless you join us on this grand adventure!! Hope this overly long comment helps you somewhat and if you couldn't tell from this comment or my last, I'm a bit of a One Piece fan lol


This for sure helps us out. Its good to know that the world is different from our own in a geographical sense as well and we wonder if The Boys got inspiration from One Piece with V giving random powers to people kind of like the Devil Fruit


The lady with th ebig dress and pink hair is named big mom, she is a major villain and powerful pirate inthe seriues later on. And yes she gives me ursula vibes too

Christopher LoBosco Jr.

There's definitely a possibility of that being the case! One Piece has definitely inspired a lot of our modern day media, both directly and indirectly. A cool little side thing to sorta illustrate that, My Hero Academia's creator Kohei Horikoshi was a fan of One Piece, his first piece of art to ever get published was a piece of fan art he submitted for the question corners Oda does that also showcases fans drawings.


I wish I was joking when I say that I want them to check out Senran Kagura moves and ultimates.