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Full watch along reaction for DBZ Kai 107


Knight Spearhead

Its not teleporting they just move so quickly that the human eye cant keep track.

Skyler Van

It's weird that so many people are surprised by the Goten and Trunks fight. It's been a decade or so since Goku fought in the tournament, but for people interested in this kind of stuff you'd think they'd remember Goku and Krillin's fights from previous tournaments. I'm also surprised Mr. Satan won a tournament. I'd say a lot of the fighters during the Dragon ball tournaments were stronger than him. There were a couple non-Z fighters I would think still competed.

Jack Sego

For Videl's reaction I think its more of a "I never expected to see a fight of this caliber coming from kids." She doesn't know just how hard and intensive their training really is. Also to keep in mind she still holds her dad as the best fighter there is and comparing to what she has seen him do to what the kids are doing its kind of shattering her concept of what fighting is. Also I find it hilarious how every time Gotenks is on the screen, without fail, Bethany does the "head-tilt, smile and awww". Enjoying the watch along and can't wait for you to get into the meat of the season. Also there is an episode coming up that will offer a very unique opportunity for you two to give a comparative review between Kai and the original american release. Don't want to go into any more detail but I really think it would be a fun video for not only you but for all the DBZ fans to see. Most people compare them having watched the original release first and they have a sort of bias for the original just from having seen it when they where young. Your view having seen Kai first would be fun to see.

Knight Spearhead

The likeliest story is that most of the spectators are there mainly cause of Satan. And the ones that do remember Krillin and Gokus was at least 2 decades ago the one with piccolo was at least 15 years ago and after that most of the Z team vanished off of earth literally and most passed off as light shows and magic tricks even then. Satan was likely as strong as kid krillin was in his hayday but didnt have ki powers like the kamehameha or flying as he wasnt taught by Master Roshi

k c

Definitely not a decade lol. 2 minimum. Regardless, just remember when Raditz showed up and how much weaker Goku and Piccolo were than him. He was only 1600. It wasn’t until the saiyan saga that they started getting crazy strong. Videl is around 100 in Z (and Hercule’s like 75). So unless they were training like the Z-Fighters, then I don’t see a reason he couldn’t have been winning the tournaments. Especially, if they stopped participating.

k c

First time watching Kai. Do they use a flashback of the OG or something?

Jack Sego

No it's a section that lends itself well to being compared. I don't want to say much to keep from spoiling it but it's a small 7 minute section in an upcoming episode that is fun to watch and displays all the differences between og and Kai from the music, dialog and editing.

Jennifer Sunderland

Videl still has no real idea how strong the Z fighters are. She honestly still thinks that she and Gohan will have a good match eventually, when in reality he's literally billions of times stronger than her. She knows that they're strong, but I don't think she can really conceptualize HOW strong. She probably thought Trunks and Goten were stronger than normal kids, but she had no idea by how much.