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Early access for our RWBY Volume 3 Chapter 12 Reaction


Zen Reacts

Bethany is starting to scare me in these reactions >_>


And now we’ve reached it. The downward spiral. Monty is dead, Rooster Teeth is dying, and the shows quality plummets and never comes back. The same thing happens with Rooster Teeth’s other show Red vs Blue. They went from fun college dudes making shit in their dorm room to a lifeless subsidiary of WB.

Zen Reacts

Also if the voice for the woman at the end was familiar, it may be because its the same actress that voiced Cortana in Halo


Amazing reaction and commentary! Love you guys from South korea

Zen Reacts

Im so glad Bethany recognized all that about Yang, it's rare to see a reactor so dead on with how badly Yang was hurt not just physically but mentally as well

Zen Reacts

Nah dude go fuck yourself, let people enjoy hte things they wanna enjoy. No one needs you here


I said nothing about your subjective enjoyment of the show. It is objectively speaking, written poorly. I’m sorry you can’t take criticisms of the things you enjoy, and are incapable of seeing beneath your base “enjoyment” of things.


That you’re so emotionally unstable about an internet web series is honestly pretty telling about the state of your mental and emotional development. You may want to look into that.

Zen Reacts

No by you coming in and spewing that shit in the comments you are actively trying to get other people to not enjoyment by trying to influence their view of the show to match your own. You are trying to state things as fact when its just your own miserable opinion, and the sad part is you're just one of sad group of people that come to channels specifically to do that to people that are enjoying the series.

Zen Reacts

Also liking all of your own posts makes you look pretty fucking pathetic as well


Your interpretation of my intentions are just as subjective as your enjoyment of the show. I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve here, but if it’s just to spew your vitriol than you can stop. As you’ve wrung the value out of that with the last few comments. Sort of like how RWBY wrung dry the emotional investment their plot points had going with six seasons of retcons and tastefully “forgetting” the set ups of previous seasons.


That you noticed and pointed it out shows that you have nothing interesting to say about the meat of my statements and instead have to look to insularly details to try and attack.

Megan Saunders

You need to leave - you are actively trying to plant a seed that Rooster Teeth has bad writing, and trying to influence people before they watched it. You're entitled to your own opinion, but don't come into someone else's channel or Patreon with the intent to try to stir shit up. If you hate the show so much, then why are you seeking out creators to watch it and try to influence their opinions? Let them watch it and make their own judgement before you start talking trash about something they haven't even seen yet.

Vito Bambino

"Pyra, Noo!" Don't worry, guys, Dragon Balls... Wait, wrong show. Pyra No!!


Your entire opinion is predicated with the unfounded presumption that I have no enjoyment for RWBY, which is false. I wouldn’t be watching these reactions if I didn’t have some emotional attachment to it. But my enjoyment of a show on a subjective level is not indicative of the objective writing of it. I’m in a creative writing course, I’ve been educated on how to approach writing from an objective view point. I enjoy this show, but that does not mean I’m not allowed to both understand, and state my opinions on its misgivings. I’m doing nothing wrong here, part of a reaction is discourse. You’re just too emotionally inept to handle a disagreement like an adult.


Stans, the single worst part of any fandom. You’re excommunicated from the group of you dare to hold an opinion contrary to that of the horde.


I agree with Zen and Megan, Avalon your comments were uncalled for, there was no need for the things you said, you could have said " in my own personal opinion I did not like the direction of the show after Vol.3 " that's all you had to say, well I said my peace.


“You could have said your opinion, instead you stated your view, and that’s your fault” What are you even angry at


please continue watching the series, do not listen to other's opinions of what the series turn into. form your own opinions by watching.


The downward spiral, where clowns will haunt every episode whining trying to make everyone miserable with thinly veiled insults, feigned "objectivity" and most prominently, a know-it-all attitude. Your opinion doesn't make you a shmuck, your need to express it where it isn't welcome does. Your objective is hate and nothing else, whatever legitimate complaints you have are made dilute by your malignance. There is only one thing worse than stans, and that's bandwagon haters.


Don’t forget I came in here and left a perfectly respectful comment and was immediately met by two separate “fuck offs”. So how exactly I’m the one who’s trying to be hateful is beyond me.


You should consider trying the RWBY Chibi series. If you've enjoyed the characters so far it's worth atleast giving a go.

No Consequence

I'm so excited for the Volume 3 soundtrack reaction, gonna love to hear your thoughts on a few of those songs

DeAnthony Potts

One thing they don't like is a hive mind of people trying to tell them what they shouldn't like. Just like everyone who stormed they comments telling them even though they like the first last of us they will hate part 2. You should keep future criticism to yourself until the moment they react to it. Then its fair game to share your thoughts. Because you doing now is sowing expectations before they even get there


Do you see a hive mind here? I do, and it’s you. I’m the only contrarian here. The only people storming this comment section is you and your squad of white knights here to defend the gross incompetence of a multi billion dollar corporation. I am in no way trying to “sway” their opinion, I just stated mine. I swear it’s one big Freudian slip with you all. You take what you’re doing and attribute it to me.


I mean, I heavily disagree with you. This show for sure has issues, like any show, but the quality imo has gotten a lot better


I would posit that the largest issue the show has is inconsistent writing, which is my measure for objective quality. A perfect story which is one where no character, word, moment, scene, or sideward glance is without meaning which works towards the goal of the script. The issue with RWBY in this sense, objectively speaking, is that the entire first three seasons barely connect to the next six in terms of set up and pay off. There certainly good moments in this show, I do enjoy this show, but the first three seasons were very clearly building to something, and the following seasons weren’t it. The man who knew what it was died, and his wife, who knew more than anyone still alive, wasn’t allowed to contribute. Half of the Rooster Teeth has been fired or left during the production of this show. There’s so much muddling the water than it would take literal miracle to create a clear reflection out of it. The pieces make the whole, but a lot of the pieces in RWBY simply don’t fit together. Every season is a contained story, written in isolation, and then they start on the next season. The team hasn’t planned the whole show, they’ve only planned 12 or so episodes at a time. So as the show progresses they realize they wasted moments and ideas and cut them out. Their magic system changes constantly to suit the new direction the series wants to take. They play super fast and loose with both tone and theme, and all of this on top of the entirely dropped plot points, especially the ones with Torchwick. I don’t hate this show, I don’t hate psople who like it, I liked it for a long time, and want to like it again. I’m just disappointed to see Monty’s baby treated like a cash cow for a soulless corporation.


Okay well, first off. Monty literally said that Miles and Kerry did most of the writing, and that he would only interject if he wanted to change or add something. He did apparently write a basic structure for how he wanted it to go, but he changed things constantly. He trusted M&K greatly. Secondly, the quality of a show is everything involved (writing, sound, music, animation, etc) so objectively there are issues but it has improved vastly from the first three volumes. Thirdly, the set ups have very clearly continued into what they were meant to go into, and are STILL building to the desired ending. I don’t know WHAT class on creative writing you’re taking, but it is awful and you should get your money back because if you sincerely look at these past volumes and genuinely think the first three were better in every way then you don’t know what you’re talking about. I have no doubt that this show would be wildly different if Monty was alive, but implying that the people he literally handed the pen and paper to wouldn’t know what he wanted in a general sense is silly. I edited that last paragraph out since I realized those would include saying spoilers.


Monty was never writing the story you dullard, he brought on the writers that are still on the show specifically because writing wasn't part of his skill set. That doesn't mean he wasn't contributing to the process but the people that knew best where the story was going are the same people that are running the show today. Monty was actually a narrative complication in the first 3 volumes because he would disappear for days and come back with an awesome fight scene that the writers had to figure out a way to include because they didn't have the budget to let it go to waste. The first 3 volumes were plenty troubled themselves, but people like you act like it all happened afterward. And OF COURSE production took a hit after he passed, it'd actually be insulting to his name if it changed nothing. Monty was a special person without a doubt, but not the second fucking coming. And nobodies like you coming in with inflammatory, opinionated thoughts (claiming objectivity while showing none) who think they know so much more than they do are exactly the sort that Monty was well known to OPENLY hate. Just look up how he responded to know-it-alls, it's hilarious how openly hostile he was. I don't know what the show would be like today if he were still alive, but I know for certain he'd be roasting all of you chucklefucks putting words in his mouth.


The outline is far more important to the totality of a story than the insidiously beats. Which is why you start with an outline, something my creative writing class taught me by the way. Yes Monty directed the general outline, which means he knew what set ups actually means something to the broader story. That said you’re putting words in my mouth by asserting that I believe the first seasons of the show were “better” than the latter, when I’m saying they’re completely disconnected. I said it before any of this began that nothing snit production matters to me when it comes to the objective quality of a show, only writing. So to say the animation improved does nothing but strike down your own straw man, and not my argument. The reason I hold the first three seasons of RWBY separate from what came after is because of the obvious 180 change in direction the show took. They are two entirely different entities. To defend the show’s writing with “Miles Luna does it” is pretty laughable considering her went from machininating, to writing a little bit on a single season of RvB, to being handed the keys of the kingdom. Mile’s writing is amateurish and unfocused. Focus is one thing Monty brought to the table. You can’t call dropping the dust thriving story line for three seasons and then deciding to pick it back up “continuing the establish set up.” Its writing yourself into a corner after throwing it away and deciding “oh wait I should probably fix that” after the fact.


Huh?!? No one’s defending the show by saying “Well Miles Luna wrote it”. Whats being said is Monty literally did not write most of the story. And he obviously thought differently of Miles’s & Kerry’s writing if he handed them “the keys of the kingdom”. Monty was in NO way the “Focus”, he changed things on the fly, Neo was added just to keep him from animating Roman’s get away. He did a wonderful job at animating, and thats it. Also, outlines are subject to revision when needed, and usually done so many times, its not the final draft you numbskull. There’s so much wrong about what you just said it’s mind numbing and annoying to discuss in a comment section without going in depth

Jorge M.

I was looking forward to this!! The voice at the end may sound familiar the voice actress is Jen Taylor and she voices Cortana from Halo. Cannot wait for the next season!! Keep up the good work!!

Serpent King

Just think, only 6 more volumes to go!


oh boy, reading some of the above comments... well here is where you'll see where the RWBY fandom splits :D Personally i still like all the other shows, i believe those that hate the following are more angry at stuff that has happened in the background with the company (Monty's unfortunate passing, scandals, layoffs etc.) considering that for a lot of us the company was some of our first experience of the internet. That piece out of the way: This isn't a spoiler but Torchwick (clockwork orange) is dead, this is confirmed, yes it is anti-climatic for him, but Neo is better anyway. The lady at the end- you recognize her voice because she has been the narrator from the World of Remnant shorts and some of the seasons. You have not been properly introduced to her yet (her name is in the credits though ;) ) As always now to be tortured for a month while we wait for the next season reactions haha

Lexi Rasmussen

She was also the voice talking with Ozpin in the first episode before the dust shop got robbed.


Honestly, don't let the comments sway your opinion of the show. You two are enjoying it and that's all that matters. At any point you stop enjoying it, you can just say the word. RWBY fandom gets this way whenever the topic of writers and the story comes up, and I'm betting it'll be worse on Youtube. Just sorry you had to see that argument outta nowhere lol. It's by no means a perfect story, it has its ups and downs. The tone also shifts a bit, and is more serious than before. That's pretty much all I can say without going into detail


Everytime the screen shows another character in the aftermath, we were all like "Oh shit I feel bad for xxx"

Bryan Forquer

The character at the end of this episode is Salem, you will definitely learn more about her next volume. Also they used a different animation software after this volume so everything looks better. Hope you'll continue to watch RWBY, and I'd you have time. Rwby chibi is definitely worth watching.

Lord O Linguine

If you guys ever decide to get into more other rooster teeth shows I highly recommend Red Vs Blue

Alex Smith

I absolutely love the monologues in this show. Not sure if you caught it, but the end monolgue is a continuation of the one from the very beginning of the show. Also, don't worry, I'm pretty sure the soundtrack will give you the Pyrrah pain you're looking for.

DeAnthony Potts

Hope you watch the volume 4 short before you start episode 1? it gets you hyped in the best way


true, you arent wrong. But she also does the VO for all the shorts and stuff for RWBY, it was a nice teaser before her actual reveal imo :D

Yuri Wilde

I love your guy's conversations! Much more involved and interesting than 90% of reactors out there


but i find it still enjoyable and its grown in itself and crwby have worked so so so hard, and its always gonna be epic to me.


DND please continue to watch the show i really hope you both enjoy it and love it more, yes it changes but personally change is needed i find and its still an amazing show, you will love the characters even more i think, an you can see the show just grow as a whole including the music, i really do look forward to seeing your reactions, the main thing is, if you both enjoy the show then continue watching it :)

Aly Adams

So excited that you guys have hit the end of V3! The show really takes off from here in my opinion so I cant wait to see what you think of it, and i cant wait for the V3 sountrack reaction either!

Aly Adams

Also I dont know if anyone has said this yet, but there's a Ruby character short that you should watch before starting V4


If you go back to chapter 7 you hear Cinder have a conversation with someone (Her). And the end of Chapter 11 when Cinder says to Oz "SHE was right about you. Such arrogance!" The woman with white hair and red grimm eyes is Her. Salem. Its the beginning of the end. P.S. they spoiled her name in the after credits.

SQX Barto

Well, they aren't too fast, to be honest, so when they get to volume 9 hopefully volume 10 will be on the way/come out already :D


Hell if you pay attention in episode one the narrator is clearly not a good guy, from the back and forth with Oz


Love your reactions, hopefully more RWBY soon on your watchlist!