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Full watch along for Detective Pikachu is up and we are hoping to get the Youtube edit out early next week. In the meantime looking at what's next.

So we have four options. Tekken and Street Fighter we are still interested in but they haven't gotten enough votes so leaving them out this time.

The fourth option is whether or not to switch genres.


Zen Reacts

Oh wait did i miss sonic 2


oh for pity's sake


Aw... looks like Warcraft won't get a third times a charm. =(


Sad now. :( Maybe we get back to it another time!

Vance Roberts

well guess I won't be voting anymore - doesn't seem to really matter


I'm slightly surprised we who want Warcraft seem to be a minority after they did their World of Warcraft Journey. (Yes I know Warcraft had some lore changes and it was considered a failure but as a WoW player since Cata i personaly loved it and it depicting the 1st War Imo was a good choice.


Yeah I think the reason most WoW players didn't like it was b/c it wasn't based on anything from WoW or Warcraft 3. People wanted Thrall or Arthas, and we got a alternative version of the First War from Warcraft: Ocrs and Humans. Kinda was the only choice there would be too much backstory needed for non players if they try to do anything other than the First War. And sadly it didn't work out well from anyone. I liked it, even with all the changes, was a good starting point for more, but look like it not to be. :(


well, it IS a pretty small niche. As popular as WC3 and WoW were back in the days nothing ever really came of it in terms of other media. (at least nothing that stuck around) Few people outside the core playerbase really know anything about the lore. Plus: a lot of the more dedicated playerbase was concentrated in asia. At least thats my perspective as an outsider. Ive played frozen throne back in the day. A lot. But i barely know anything about the franchise. And the movie didnt really appeal to me at all, even as a general fantasy nerd.


I mean... the plain answer is because it's a bad movie. And not fun bad just... bad. It's not to say there aren't some cool scenes and fun nods, but you gotta overlook a LOT to come out positive on the thing. I know because I did when I first watched it (Been a Gul'dan stan since 4th grade). An easy thing to point out is they put so much into delivering on the orcs that it's barely a live action film and the parts that are live action are genuinely embarrassing to look at next to them. The first war was the only reasonable part to cover (at least prior to gangbuster success), but it needed so badly to have HEAVY rewrites because to put it bluntly, the first war has always sucked. And unfortunately the rewrites it did get didn't solve that at all, arguably only made it worse.


The actual answer is that most patreon subscribers are here for the full reactions of the animated movies, and shows. So the voting is going in favor of that. I'm certain that if they did the poll on Youtube, it would be more even.