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Early access to our DBZA Cell Games reaction. We watched all ten videos in same viewing.



I am interested in you guy's reaction to the death note series.. it's pretty intense lol


The fact that you guys didn't know about Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon made me feel like a kid. Honestly was baffled since I literally grew up with the two starting as a baby like 20+ years ago. Now I'm curious how you two would react to related videos.

Skyler Van

The kid with the demon following him was death note. Light Yagami, the main character, finds Ryuk's (the demon following him) notebook and anyone whose name he writes in it dies by heart attack unless he specifies a type of death. The first group was from Yu Yu Hakusho, an anime that Lanipator abridged before working on DBZA. The card game was Yu Gi Oh.


I was gonna say you're gonna get a lot of recommendations to react to Death Note now, but I see I'm already too late. The one with the card game is Yu-Gi-Oh. I would actually recommend, after DBZA and Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, since I know you're doing that next, giving Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series a watch. It's actually the original that inspired all other Abridged Series, including DBZA. The one who voiced Yugi in this, Martin "LittleKuriboh" Billany, is the creator of YGOTAS and you've heard him as the narrator and Frieza in DBZA. The early episodes are very rough, even moreso than the early episodes of DBZA, but it does get really enjoyable all the same.


Seeing as both of you don't seem to be familiar with One Punch Man, I, and I'm sure many others, highly recommend getting into that one. It's basically a sort of parody of shonen anime with a protagonist who wins every fight with one punch, which depresses him. I know quite a few people who don't even watch anime and really got into it. Otherwise, great uploads once again, very much looking forward to the conclusion of DBZA, even if it also hurts that it means the end of it at the same time :P


The first two kids are from Yu Yu Hakusho. Lanipator got into abridging by doing Yu Yu Hakusho abridged. This was the first time he reprised that role in over a decade.


theres a 3 part fanmade fight of the bald one (one punch man) vs goku that I think you would both enjoy seeing at some point


We know of Pokemon but just don't know much about it. Yu-Gi-Oh is one of those, sounds familiar kind of names. We are babies when it comes to the world of animation (outside of Disney which Bethany grew up on) and in particular anime. 🤗


I enjoyed all of these but I have to say Cell's roasts on each character are the best, especially Light Yagami, haha. Kenshiro was also hilarious since Cell had total control in most of them but he just shows up and says "No You." lol


There is a Yugioh Abridged series by a member of teamfourstar that you guys should check that’s the card game one you saw! I also recommend sword art online abridged as well! You’ll love both those series!


Highly recommend checking out Yugioh Abridged!!!


So we're probably getting to the end on the next pack. That'll be a nice birthday gift (april 1st, no joke), not gonna lie!

Jos M

Its going to be so bittersweet when its all over. Theres only like 4 episodes left of abridged because they did not do the buu saga. I hope the dragon ball content does not end because this was an amazing journey and you guys will have only gone through 3/4ths of dragon balls beautiful story. Lol. Love this reaction content its what i look forward to every month :)


Have heard about one punch man on and off but didn't really know what it was. Thanks for the description. We are definitely intrigued.


We are getting to the end but there is still more to go. At least one more movie, Christmas one. and a few more episodes before getting to the episode 60 parts 😊


Plan is to do DBZ Kai. Just need to make sure we can do it with the crazy copyright they have but we should be able to. It will just have to be edited heavily for Youtube. 😊


Oh, I'm sure you guys will get recommended the entire rabbit hole of abridged series over time. Personally, at least as far as I know about you guys, I think just the 3 (DBZ, Hellsing, and Yu-Gi-Oh) would suffice and still be found entertaining.


Since you guys are unfamiliar with Knuckles (the red guy with Sonic) I def recommend you watch the second Sonic movie after the first one. He shows up in that one voiced by Idris Elba and it may absolute favorite portrayal of Knux.

Jos M

Thats exciting i would suggest going with the original funi dub instead of kai because alot of the lines in the original are golden and hillarious. And i dont know if kai skips the high school adventures. Lol but i can see why it might be harder to do that. I will watch/ keep the sub either way c:

Jos M

OH no thats not what i meant i didnt mean start from the beginning lol. I meant the original english dub is classic and better then kai in my opinion. But i get why you may have to do kai for copyright. Funimation and Toei are pretty mean about that stuff. Either way the events in Majin Buu have some of the best moments in the entire show. Strap yourselves in because Buu is a menace to society and i think you will love it.