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Early access for Storyteller Fallout: S1:E2 - Super Mutants Reaction


Fallout Episode 2


Knight Spearhead

It wasnt only the vault the super mutants came from that was only a specific case in the Captial wasteland DC(storyteller prefers the older games) In Boston(Fallout 4) the Super Mutants were created by a place called the Institute, a faction of pre-war scientists housed below the massachusetts institute of technology. The ones in West virginia were created from a pre-war company called west-tek that had close ties to the military industrial complex. The ones on the west coast were created in the Mariposa Military Facility and worship the god/master) he mentioned. Hes probably saving the mariposa facility for the Brotherhood story though.

John Danziger

They are in the process of making a Fallout television series. It will be released on Amazon Prime. Filming began in July last year and expected release date is late 2023 or early 2024. The pictures that have been released soo far look really good. Being the supreme nerd that I am (Nerdius Maximus) I am excited for it