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Early access for our Persona 5 All Awakenings Reaction


Persona 5 All Awakenings



Just to give you a little background, the people that they are fighting are the mental versions of their real selves, it's how they see themselves in their minds, each individuals world is a reflection of their desires, like the first guy, he was a volleyball coach and track team coach if I'm not mistaken, and he really was a disgusting person he used to mistreat the track team with physical abuse and lusted after the young women on the volleyball team, that's why his world was like a castle with female shadows, and the artist saw himself like a Shogun or Lord of art but he became corrupted and just used it for money not real art and used other people's art for monetary gain. Each villain has their own perceived world and how they see themselves.


persona 5 as a game is very long 100+ hours to finish but if you want you can always watch the anime version of it


For more spoilery context, Joker (the protagonist/MC) interrupted a sexual assault. The man he stopped was Shido, a very power political figure and heavily favored to become the next Prime Minister of Japan. Shido, being who he is, uses his social status to force his victim to falsely state that Joker assaulted him. Joker ends up with a criminal record and ends up moving to a different school, where all this begins. Ryuuji, the so-called delinquent, is raised by a single mother after his abusive father left them. Having his leg broken and track team dismantled by Kamoshida leads to him becoming shunned and othered, a common theme with all the Phantom Thieves. Ann, who has a foreign parent and models on the side, is seen as a bimbo and bitch (which has more sexual connotations in Japan). Most of her friendships are shallow, with Shiho being the rare exception. As Kamoshida states, Shiho jumped from the school roof after he grew tired of Ann rightfully avoiding his attempts to get her alone. Yusuke is an orphan, taken in by the master artist Madarame. He's one of the few pupils that remained loyal to Madarame, as most had left the run-down abode/studio as well as the arts. This is because Madarame claimed their pieces as his own, and left them with nothing. Even his most famous work, the Sayuri, was stolen from Yusuke's mother. Madarame watched as she suffered a fatal seizure, already planning to reap the rewards twice over through her child. Makoto is the people-pleasing class president, who is near the top of her grade at the school. Her sister is an up-and-coming prosecutor who works long hours and takes tough cases. Having lost their father young, Makoto feels pressured to be the best at as much as possible, so as to lessen the burden on her sister. The school principal, a scumbag in his own right, threatens to withdraw his college recommendations if Makoto does not find out who the Phantom Thieves are. To this end, she enlists their aid in dealing with a criminal loanshark/dealer who has been preying on many of the students. Futaba was so heavily traumatized by her mothers' death and the blame that was pushed onto her, that she let herself believe that her selfishness and desires (which were by all means normal for any child) were the reasons why her mother "killed herself". Her mother having been the closest person in her life, Futaba rarely leaves her room, or her adoptive father's house. Her depression and anxiety is so severe that she suffers from thoughts of suicide. Haru is the heiress to her father's food company, though only in name. She feels she has few if any true friends that aren't using her to get to her father, fame, or wealth. Raised to be the perfect daughter, always polite and always grateful, while having little freedom to do what she wants. While the various yes-men and board members run the company with her father on top, she dreams of the humble beginnings and personal touch her grandfather started the company with. Her fiancee is, as you saw, a real piece of crap who has no interest in her beyond her body, her father, and their company. Akechi is a detective and TV celebrity, the talk of the town and a boy wonder by most accounts. However, the truth is that his most of his cases are caused or solved by his ability to manipulate a person's cognition. Unbeknownst to anyone but himself, he is the illegitimate child of Shido. His goal is to become famous and work his way into his fathers inner circle, where he can use his power to humiliate and kill him in retaliation for abandoning Akechi's mother, who raised her child alone before committing suicide. A dark mirror of Joker, Akechi lives and fights only for himself, and uses people as tools - a result of none of the family members that took him in actually caring for him.


Thanks a lot for giving us a breakdown for all the characters we see in this. This has some really dark elements to it with the sexual assault and what not 😳 Interested to check out more from this series because it's pretty different