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early access for part 1 of our World of warcraft journey for Dragonflight



Bethany ask and I shall answer. :) That fox is Majordomo Selistra, a red dragon and their visage is the fox-like race, Vulpera. She is Alexstrasza's right hand or claw. :P She play a role in the frist fews quests on the Dragon Isles. Alexstrasza's new model looks is really great. And like most Blizzard games if click on NPCs long enough they have silly voice lines. If you do that to Alexstrasza one of the new ones is. "Do I have big mom energy?" Make of that what you will. Raszageth's voice actor is so good in that role, and her design is cool looking. On Dragon's eggs, in the one of the novels is said normal only half of a clutch hatch and even less make it to adulthood. I think the Life Pools help the odds with that. Giving the eggs and baby dragons a safe place to grow up in. Wrathion is still kinda a baby compare to most of other dragons in Dragonflight, he like 12 years old at this point. He was hatched during the Cataclysm expack.