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Early access for our RWBY Volume 3 Chapter 2 Reaction


Megan Saunders

Neptune being afraid of the water is a Rooster Teeth in-joke, since his voice actor, Kerry Shawcross, can't swim. And since they named his character after the god of the sea (and gave him a trident), they decided it would be funny to make him afraid of the water, although he does have an in-canon reason for his fear - related to a past trauma - that's mentioned in one of the RWBY novels.

Beowolf Chow

There's a couple Easter eggs in this one, you asked who team Indigo (NDGO) were based on, and that's actually one of them that is spoiler free. The team were from an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for one of RoosterTeeth's other projects, which is why Professor Port called them a "crowd favorite". The women who won the crowdfunding spots, collaborated on the designs, did some of the voicework for the characters, and are listed in the credits as "Team NDGO Character Consultant".