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Early access to the last video in our journey through the lore of early Destiny. We plan to go to the Red War as our next Destiny video but let us know if you think we have to watch my name is Byf lore on Destiny 1 before continuing.


Destiny City Age



Great reaction nice seeing people try to understand Destiny lore lol, I would suggest finishing the destiny 1 part as he goes into some details that the videos you watched if I recall never went into. And some of the details are very important for destiny 2


The thing about the Ahamkara is that as they grew, they would entice people who didn't know better, and would subtlety grant wishes or deceive while feeding off a person's desire, becoming even more cunning with age. For example: https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/azirim When the second solstice began [...], many Awoken and Ahamkara alike came to the Dreaming City to celebrate the delirious pleasure of being alive. [...] Azirim was the very last. [...] Esila said to him, "Ah! You are bold. Do you truly think you've earned the right to revel in this place?" [...] And Azirim answering said, "My indiscretions? Wise lady, I do admit, I may have whispered truths you gave me to deceive those who would deceive me." [...] And Esila, though she could see a flickering in Azirim's reflection [...] said to him, "Join us and be glad, but let me hear your testimony first." [...] And so invited, Azirim bowed his crested head and hid a secret smile and spoke with the pardon Esila had given him. [...] They knelt in the dewy grass and they listened, and as they listened, and as Azirim spoke, his appetite grew and grew. Night fell on the Dreaming City. [...] And Azirim [...] bade them rise, and led them singing down and away from the gardens of Esila. He spread his wings and flew out into the empty air beyond the steep cliffs that bordered the gardens. And to those who happened to glance toward the gardens from far-off pavilions, it seemed a merry parade, a joyous chorus. And they did not hear the singing stop. And they did not hear the bodies dashed against the shore below. And they did not see Azirim grow, or laugh, or flee.


As far as the refresher goes, the only major thing you really need to know is that the Cabal, between the fleeing Oryx and his Taken, and getting their butts kicked by the Guardians, sent out a distress signal to another military division, The Red Legion.


Yeah, you should watch his video on D1 and all of it's expansion 1st before you head into D2.