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So we think these are just the intros but the video we watch had the title intro/trailers.


Dead or Alive



Yeah this game franchise is well known to be very sexual focused as mk is know for it's gore, it's what makes it unique they say. if you see the Dead or alive Xtreme beach intros your gonna be like WTF? 😂, and it does lean more toward having more female fighters, Like you said they tried to go a more serious route but it didn't last long because fan were mad that is was losing its unique identity and becoming another generic fighter like Tekken, so the devs backpedaling and added the sexually back to DOA6.

Espen Bakke

Aye, what grimm said. :) I have not played any DoA game save for Five on Playstation Vita, so am not fully familiar with how the series has developed. But gotten some impression from that one game, as from vids on Tube, and it sure seems clear what it's mostly focused on. ;^_^ But love it due to the ladies not being in minor on the rooster. Personally think the looks on characters seemed kinda lame up to when 5 came out; from there, they look realistic as irl. =)