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Early access for our reaction to DBZA movie Super Android 13


DBZA Super ANdroid 13


Vito Bambino

Early, early Access!? OMG, OMG, OMG!


Just made my sunday 5x better. Thanks for the early dbz videos!


Thanks for the upload guys!


keep in mind that these arent canon, meaning they dont actually happen in the series. though i love how Teamfourstar did the connections and stuff


The Flashforward when Goku gets punched in the nuts is when Gohan is a young adult and the small child is Goku's youngest son Goten.

Jennifer Sunderland

And you probably thought that 17 was kidding when he mocked Gero over the trucker hat android :D The actual movie has one of the funniest lines in the canon series, where Android 13 mocks Trunks for having a "forty dollar haircut". It feels so much like a line of Abridged, I'm surprised they didn't borrow it. There is actually a canon reason why they don't go SSJ right away; the form is exhausting, and the transformation takes a lot of energy. At this point in the show, none of them - not even Goku - have fully mastered the form yet and so going into it right at the start of the fight isn't always their go-to unless they really need it.


Okay that makes sense that it would be exhausting and require a bunch of energy otherwise why not just stay in that form the entire time? As if Goku needed more of a reason to eat more haha

Jos M

Seeing that flash forward scene with goten made me excited for the buu saga all over again lol if you havent noticed tfs is a master at running gags. Love how much you guys love this :)