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Early access for our reaction to RWBY Volume 2 Chapter 12


RWBY 2 12



So I don't remember if Monty worked on V3 at all, but V2 was the last volume he had full involvement with due to his tragic death. After V2, it was all mostly on Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross. They also do bring on two other writers, but that's not for some time. V6 or V7 I think. Monty's brother also takes over as Ren's VA in V3.


For the record, they've always been writers for the show, checking the V1 credits.


I know, just that Monty was the creator of the series and Kerry and Miles helped him structure the narrative for the overall story.

Vito Bambino

The no-intro, intro was so funny.

Zen Reacts

So just as a refresher Yang and Ruby have different moms. Ruby's mother is assumed KIA on a mission when Ruby was really young. Yang's mom left their family when Yang was born. I'm so excited for you guys to start volume 3 its when the story really takes off and the plot really starts to form.


Thanks! We completely forgot about that conversation between Yang and Blake. We've just always assumed they had the same mom and then forgot about that conversation when debating who the heck the mystery woman was 🤗

Megan Saunders

I think I asked this at the end of Volume 1, but what about your opinions of the teachers? Ozpin, Glynda, (Doctor) Oobleck, etc? There were some nice hints that they are involved in something larger, especially Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood (the General).

Zen Reacts

No worries its something that Ive noticed slips by alot of reactors. Yang tends to say her mother is Summer Rose anyway so its understandable to get confused


We don't trust Ironwood at all. Not that he is bad, but that he is misguided and going to make some really bad choices because he thinks he knows best and is all about war and taking the offensive. Ozpin is still mysterious. He drops in these little nuggets of wisdom from time to time so he has earned our trust in that regard, but it's tough to get a full read on him. Glynda is our Mcgonnagall in that she doesn't show up that often but when she does, she usualy is a scene stealer. Out of all the teachers we like and trust her the most. Zwei trusts and looks after Oobleck so he is good in our book. 😇


Vol 3 is where it starts to change so be prepared, certain episodes will be heavy.


If I remember correctly the end credit scene was a scrapped part of the show and is written off as a dream sequence


Monty did indeed work on V3. Not all of it unfortunately but a few sections are his work, including some near the finale he had nearly completed early in production. Most of the writing had always been done by Miles and Kerry (Fun fact: some fight scenes Monty animated without telling anyone and Miles and Kerry had to figure out their justification after the fact), Monty's direct replacement would more accurately be attributed to Gray Haddock, the voice of Torchwick. Though even that is a bit inaccurate because Gray took over as head of animation, not lead animator. Monty wore a lot of hats.


Hmm, it did feel like a dream sequence but also wondering why they just completely scrapped it. We thought maybe that mystery figure could dream travel as well. 🤔

Bryan Forquer

I definetly can't wait for you to start volume 3!! There's a lot of great character development. But it's also gonna get intense!

Giuseppe DeGaetano

Can’t wait to hear this soundtrack listen through, I absolutely love the song caffeine. The song they played when the fashion girl with the mini gun showed up. Funny enough their team is named CFVE


ken forgetting the intro is classic

Giuseppe DeGaetano

In the background. She and her team have a whole episode in season 3 obvs i wont give details 😂