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Early access for some Warframe songs. We All Lift Together and Sleeping in the Cold Below.


Warframe Songs



Funny, I was getting back into Warframe this week and was thinking about if you already did a reaction to Fortunas opening scene since I think I saw Warframe on your channel before. But apparently not. This scene was the one that made me think: "Maybe I should start paying more attention to this games lore." Before that, the game was just "Funny, Multiplayer, Free to play Shooter game" to me.


Fortuna is a, as shown in the end of the video, "debt-internment" colony. You (as a NPC) go to this colony located in a frozen valley on Venus (don't know why Venus is frozen there, maybe someone else knows, my knowledge is based on my in game experiences and may be inaccurate or missing details) when you collected debt to the capitalistic, money driven "Corpus" [Corporation]. There you pay off your debt by working while still paying for living space and consumer goods. And don't forget the interest on your debt. And if your work wages don't pay the debt (which they usually don't)? You do a hussle on the side, selling scraps you "found". And if that doesn't help (Which it usually doesn't). Simple: You sell body Parts and replace them with machinery. Sold your whole body? Your Machine parts get melted down. And if you had family or friends? Your debt is now theirs! As a player you get to know some of the people living there, helping here and there to steal from the rich and give to the poor, pissing off the head of the operation and help a famous rebellion leader to get their courage back and get out of self imposed retirement to again, take the fight to the Corpus and slowly bring down the whole debt-themed-pyramid-scheme from below.