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Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 18 Reaction





Tarkin doesn't become a Separatist. The Republic becomes the Empire if you don't remember. He stayed loyal to the Republic and to the Empire. The Republic was corrupted long ago by Sidious/Palpatine. Everyone's strings were always pulled by Sidious as he transitioned the Republic into the Empire. What makes Sidious so powerful/scary is his intelligence and deceit.

Knight Spearhead

As others have said Tarkin is essential to the Empire. He becomes one of the closest advisors for palpatine and vader.

Isaac Sherry

No spoilers, but Bethany is correct! Tarkin meets Anakin in this episode but he is also there in A New Hope, though a much higher rank. I think he actually may be one of the few people who know Vader is Skywalker. Though I may be misremembering.