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Early access for DBZA 27




Chris Pascarelli

I don’t think you both noticed this…. When goku shows up and ask freeza if he’s freeza, and freeza responds with “I am lord freeza yes!” Goku responds with “awesome I’m gonna deck you in the schnoz!” And then freeza drops vegeta and says this “I’m sorry that’s a new one” if you remember earlier on the during the season freeza had that hobby of counting heroic speeches…. If you forgot that, then that particular line has a whole new take on everything… as it’s a new heroic line he has never heard before…. And it’s also just so out of left field that freeza doesn’t know how to process it..


To think that Vegeta in the show was also constantly bringing up the legendary Super Saiyan, and he also died while rambling on about Goku being the Legendary Super Saiyan.


haha, thanks for explaining that part. There are so many jokes going on in these episodes now on so many different levels that it's easy to miss some of them. 🤗