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A heated debate ensued after watching this episode. This is our favorite episode yet. The humor was on point. It feels like a lot of the exposition is out of the way and we are getting to the meat of it all.


Invincible 5


Nathan Elkin

I did enjoy the debate at the end, but I have to agree with Ken. Titan isn't someone who cares about saving the world, but he does care about helping those who can't help themselves, so when he came up with a plan to escape his situation, he decided it would be better for him to take charge rather than someone with despicable intentions. Plus, that criminal business has to fund numerous employees, most of which probably are too entrenched in the lifestyle to learn how to live a different way, at least on their own. I know he will come back for season 2, but I don't know anything from the comic books, so my prediction is he will make enemies trying to rearrange his empire to a less hostile business strategy while providing support for the needy and forgotten living on the streets he calls home. I feel like he will go to jail eventually, but I'm really hoping he doesn't die horribly. He's just a product of the system he grew up in.

Nathan Elkin

I don't know if Machine Head is even human, and I'm uncertain if he ever comes back, but I certainly hope he does. One of my favorite lines from this episode is the way he says, "SHUT THE HEEELLL UP." I only mention this because you were trying to call him sociopathic, which if he has what we would consider a conscience, sure, it could apply, but for me, that doesn't seem to fit him. He's practical, yes, but he might not even consider human life relevant, and considering he's not a biological being, it may not be a valid argument to say he's in the wrong. Maybe he was simply designed this way, perhaps this is all he was ever predisposed to. Who's to say? Not that it justifies his choices, he's an asshole, but he reminds me of Handsome Jack from Borderlands, which you still need to play btw.


We do still need to play Borderlands and Handsome Jack has gotten a ton of love as one of the best villains ever. You make a fair point about being programmed a certain way. Or as Jessica Rabbit said, "I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way." 😜