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Invincible 4.mp4


Nathan Elkin

I've wanted to comment on all of these reactions, but you're already 7 episodes deep, so most of my comments feel irrelevant at this point. I've loved all your reactions of course, especially the full-length ones for shows like this, but I wanted to mention my appreciation for this episode specifically because of how hard it was for Ken to stay awake and the fact you had to keep yourself awake to still react while your eyes are glazed over. I feel that, man, and I want you to know it didn't detract from my enjoyment for this reaction. Just gave me a great sense of sympathy watching you push through it. Speaking of full-length reactions, you should check out One Punch Man after this, you will definitely receive countless views, on top of discovering another world to fall in love with. It's only 24 episodes, 12 per two seasons, but there is a small mountain of content still being made in an ongoing manga waiting to be animated, and season 3 should come out next year, hopefully. I believe you might even have watched a view Death Battles with characters from this show, but I can't remember.


Thanks so much for commenting on this episode and the other ones. It's never too late. And yes, a week of sleepless nights dealing with our sick dog had me struggling 😴. Almost refilmed this one, hadn’t realized just how closed my eyes got during certain parts. It wasn’t that the show wasn’t entertaining, just, life happens. And everyone always wants to show their best parts on the internet, but this is one of those flawed but very human parts of life so we decided to not refilm it and just keep the reaction. Thanks for the suggestion on One Punch Man! We plan on putting out a poll for our next series to react to.