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RWBY Volume 1 Chapters 2 and 3 Reaction


RWBY Volume 1 Chapters 2 and 3 Reaction


Alex Smith

Believe it or not, yes, Weiss will grow on you, a lot lol


We eagerly await the good character development for her character. They set her up nicely for us to not like her in the beginning and then be won over

Beowolf Chow

"She has a little more adult maturity than the rest." Not going to confirm one way or another, but this is exactly why I thought this show would be a good fit for you: You have great insight into characters and their motivations. I figured you two would catch things like this early. The character inspirations, and tropes are just a starting point for the characters; a surface view with a lot more going on underneath. One thing I love about animation is that, by necessity of tight time and financial budgets, and having to draw everything; almost nothing is done by accident. If there is a line delivered, a facial expression animated, an item or character in the background; someone decided to put it there to convey meaning to the audience. This show does that a lot, and as astute as you both are, you'll enjoy the show more for noticing them. (Don't feel pressured to catch everything, some stuff only makes sense or becomes noticeable on rewatch) Thanks again for the great reaction!