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Thanks so much for watching the series along with us. We have an ongoing poll up right now asking what other series you want us to react to and please feel free to suggest more or some movies you'd like us to see.


Arcane Episode 9_1.mp4

This is "Arcane Episode 9_1.mp4" by Ken Bethany on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Pom de Terre

Thank you guys for these awesome reactions. I enjoyed watching the series with you (again). Your analysis afterward was always interesting, and hilarious at times, and you often had the exact same WHAT? reaction that a lot of us did. Thank you for sharing the fun. :) And 2023… can you believe it? Although it's unclear if they're going to switch to a different scenario/region on Runeterra (since there's so much lore and so many Legends) or if they're going to continue the story of Piltover. Might be difficult to create a sequel that's just as impactful with us already knowing so many of the S1 characters now. Curious to see what Riot will ultimately go with.


Thank you! Had the best time rewatching the series with you, sharing all the emotional moments. Season 2 can't come soon enough.


I'm so happy that you guys decided to react to this. Thank you so much for these! I thoroughly enjoyed rewatching with you guys. Looking forward to more :)


Sad you guys miss judge a couple characters in certain aspects. I think Silco started loving Jinx from the moment she hugged him. When you think about it he was the only one that accepted her for the way she was, where as Vi kept wanting her to/hoping she would go back to being Power. A weird twisted love, but he did love. Also I can't wait for Mel's mom to absolutely lose it and take over. Loved the reactions for the show!


I really liked the scene where they come to Silco to try and take him down so they can take over. Look closely, to me, it looks like Silco is unconcerned/unaware until his top henchman/woman (i forget her name) moves that chair. and wipes it , at that point he knows something's afoot, like that is a secret sign, when he is waiting while talking and that blade comes out he knows in that moment he will either survive because of her loyalty or die and be replaced by them, you can see it in how he waits. I just watched that scene again, it looks like he's talking to the people across from him but his words are aimed at her standing behind him. That's so well done.


I could be wrong but i think you guys missed that, Silco was reaching for the gun, push comes to shove he was going to take Jinx out, it was in his head he'd survive this at whatevr cost and thats why she shot him. Thats how id seen the ending scenes, i could be wrong as these are so all over the place (not in a bad way) and involve her perception of what's happening. Correct me if im missing something.


Im of the opposite opinion of you guys. Take as long as it takes, it was 6 years it took them to make this season, that's the reason it is so good. They couldn't think ahead and make more beforehand as you cannot know it will be a success. I do hope those six years have included the future story and character developtment speeding the process up but quality over quantity for me.


Awesome reaction, as always! Im kinda on a different side when it comes Silco. For me he is one of the best villains I have ever seen I genuinely cried at the end. I could go on a rant here for why I think that Silco's character arc is just so good but instead Im just gonna leave a recommendation for a video that sums it up perfectly for me, I highly suggest watching it :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emScTUbwl8g&ab_channel=FlyingWalrus What I love about this show is the almost pure absence of black and white. There are just so much greys there that Im almost not sure who Im rooting for. Silco's goal, for example, to give independence to the undercity is, at its heart, a really noble goal. He wanted a better life for the people of the undercity which were exploited and forgotten by the topside. Of course not to speak of the portrayal of mental health issues ... God I could speak about this show for ever! Anyway, nice reaction guys, this was probably around the 10th reaction I watched and you guys definitely didnt disappoint!


Glad you enjoyed the reactions! And we are very curious to see what Riot will come up with next as well. They are such a well rounded company it’s really great to see them try new things, different animation styles, music, tv, maybe a movie at some point? 🤔🤩


Aww, thanks so much! This is our first experience sharing these kinds of reactions and we didn’t know how it would go but happy to hear that you enjoyed them! We hope to make it more frequent and have more coming out and available for different shows and movies. This is just the beginning and we agree, Season 2 can’t come soon enough 😁🥳🥳


Glad you enjoyed it! This surprised us with how fantastic and in depth it was with the characters. We expected a fun show that looked cool and we got so much more than that. Really falling in love with these characters and their interactions 😀


Haha, Mel’s mom is going to be a powerhouse next season 😁 I think Silco loved Jinx because he saw himself in her. He kept saying “we’re the same” and it was always about “showing everyone else” that they were better. Silco projected himself onto Jinx. There didn’t have to be a Powder or Jinx choice. She is both powder and Jinx as our experiences and choices make us who we are. But Silco literally tried to wash away her past and Powder and baptize her into being Jinx. Into being who he wanted her to be. That’s just our interpretation though 🤗

Christian M

This ^^ Silco is greatly written character and I love that his entire character revolves around his phrase "The base violence necessary for change" back in ep 3. He's a villain and can come off as heartless but his entire reason for doing what he did was for his people. And Jinx was by far the most important person to him. Unfortunately I do think they missed that and even said "if he really loved her he wouldn't attack Vi like that". But in hindsight, if you re-watch scenes, anytime Jinx is sent further and further astray, its after an interaction with Vi or regarding Vi (of course Vi never had any ill will and didn't do it on purpose). Even in this ep you can see Vi calling out names of Jinx's past but it sends her down a schizophrenic panic attack. In contrast Jinx was already an unstable emotional girl back when she was 'Powder' and many times when interacting with Silco she was for the most part as stable as she could be. Silco definitely raised her as a villain and she grew up in that environment but she was rejected any love from him. So in a sense a 'twisted' kind of love but with Jinx's mental instability and trauma the way it is, probably best love she could've been given because of the state of the undercity. Still so glad they reacted to this series though, these guys are great


Agreed. Very well done scene and he doesn’t know which way it is going to go either. Because she was the same person that turned on Vander


Yeah we don’t know what went into those six years. If they had mapped out multiple seasons during that time or not. We obviously don’t want them to rush it and sacrifice quality. But we are really looking forward to seeing where this is going 😀


I would argue that Silco wanting independence for under city was never about the people of the undercity. It was about him not wanting to answer to anyone. His quotes talk about power more than freedom “power, real power….comes to those who will do anything to achieve it” He never waxed this poetically about freedom. And he also in that last scene told Jinx that they would show them all and that it was them against the world. If Silco cared about his people in the undercity he wouldn’t have gotten them addicted to shimmer. There weren’t any significant moments that we can remember where Silco showed concern for the other citizens of the undercity. But that’s just our interpretation of the character and we totally understand people empathizing with Silco. We love that they justified his actions instead of making him a generic villain 🤗😀🥳


Yeah that is definitely true but I think in the beginning that was his aspirations. I dont think Vander would have ever teamed up with him if he was so radical from the beginning. But I guess thats just speculation at this point ^^ Im just glad that you liked the show! :)


I think its not about Silco shaping Jinx into what he wants her to be but rather accepting her for what she is right now. And of course this is toxic and not helpful but I believe Silco just doesnt know better from the experience he had and trutly tried to help her cope with her pain. But the fact that we can discuss this and interpret things differently just shows how complex these characters are and thats just awesome in itself :)


Yeah me too. Hopefully they manage to keep it at this level. Just found myself thinking what if they rush it now 😅. Another enjoyable watch along guys. Thanks 🤗.


Very true. In the beginning, it probably was a noble goal. A lot of times, we can all lose perspective on things. Why we started something. Why we continue to fight. Is it just so that we don't lose? Or is it because we believe in what we are fighting for? Great series!


I love the writing on this show. Silco was a despicable person, but I don't doubt his devotion to Jinx. He absolutely knew he wasn't going to turn her over, that's what his discussion with Vanders' statue was about. Ultimately he was probably right, too - there was no way that the Council was have offered them anything at all if it wasn't for him. Oppressors don't just decide to give their victims freedom. Vander was a good man, a great father, and he was devoted to Vi, and all his children. He protected them from the immediate threat of violence, but he doomed them to a slow starvation, and a continued oppression. I think Mel is going to survive, and I think Jayce and Viktor will. Viktor's story is definately not done. A theory is that maybe Mel's golden dealy is some kind of magical protective item they massively drew attention to it just before the missile hit, and she didn't even take it off to sleep with Jayce. I think that Jinx's assassination attempt is going to mean that there's no way that peace can come. The peace was negotiated with Silco, and there's no-one to take his place, and the fears of the Council were realised - the Undercity weaponised Hextech. I think the guy who killed Mel's brother is coming after Mel's mom now.


Will be interesting to see who this dangerous man is that is mixed up with Mel's family because they seem to be hyping him up a lot.

Nathan Elkin

There is a significant line back in episode 2. When discussing the arcane, one of the council members pointed out that those who use magic are born with it... not going to hint at who that could be, but do you think anyone in this show has a secret they might have been holding close to their chest? Do you think you have met anyone beside that powerful mage at the beginning that might actually have magic? It might change your predictions for season 2.

Nathan Elkin

There was also a tease during that end montage that might be worth watching again. I know you missed it on your first watch, but I would definitely suggest going back and looking at everyone who was shown and all the details in their respective scenes.

Nathan Elkin

He wasn't aiming at Jinx. He aimed across the table and there is a hole in Vi's chair next to her head because he missed his shot.


This is a show we for sure need to give a second watch. Loved the first watch but we definitely missed a ton of interactions and clues on the first watch of it. 😀