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Checking out a bunch of trailers that came out last weekend for Evo 2024



I was laughing my ass off when Heihachi returned. Harada played us like goddamn fiddles for years, and then they pull that. Little disappointing that he was one character that couldn’t stay dead for lore sake since the conclusion of 7 felt like a satisfying ending for Heihachi. But for the sake of legacy and the part of the fanbase that missed him, I’m happy he’s back. And I know this is probably a long shot since this series has been discontinued since 2016, but I hope you will check out “Blazblue” one of these days. It’s one of Arc Systems other fighting game that’s like a sister series to Guilty Gear.


I think it be great if you reacted to some of the final matches of EVO 2024 even compared to previous years Gulity Gears and Street Fighters 6's were especially great