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Early ad-free access for our Dragon Age The Veilguard Trailer & Gameplay Reaction



Alex Smith

Idk, I'm still highly skeptical of Bioware after they butcherer Mass Effect. They haven't released a decent game in 10 years... gonna wait for reviews on this one.


Honestly, I am not a fan of Varric's new look, compared to how he looked in Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition; he looks almost nothing like he did years ago, the gameplay trailer is what is keeping me hopeful that this will not be another Andromeda-scale flop. The first trailer you guys watched I think made the whole thing seem like a Borderlands trailer with some Dragon Age sprinkled over it.


That was Andromeda disaster right? 🤔 And that's fair to wait for reviews. I'm just really pumped for another Dragon Age game and even if it's not on part with Origins, I'm hoping enough is there to make it enjoyable 😊


To me he was unrecognizable. It was the voice that tipped me off more than the look itself. But like I said, it's also been awhile since I've played it. And yeah I get your point about Borderlands, the stylization of it all didn't totally fit with the vibe of Dragon Age. Gameplay had me worried at first but then they started to show some of the older mechanics and hoping that it ends up being good. It doesn't need to be amazing. I just need it to not suck haha 🤗