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Early ad-free access for Part 2 of 3 of our Destiny 2 Season of the Lost Cutscenes Reaction



What really shows how scummy Mara was to her brother is what she tells the guardian after they get the scepter. That she would have “wielded Uldren Sov, lightbearer.” Wielded, like a weapon, not a person. She planned to use everyone and everything around her to further her own goals, even the death of her own brother. She wanted Uldren back so she could control him, and since Crow is a new person she can’t do that. And the “actors” she spoke of where Spider and his crew, as he worked for Mara and should have delivered Crow to her, instead he enslaved him as an act of revenge for Uldren wrecking the reef with his Barons. Also funny tidbit about Savathun, while shes in that crystallized prison her worm is also frozen. All of the Hive have worms inside that grant them power, but the Hive Gods worms require them to live their lives a certain way to feed them as part of a deal to grant them even more. For Oryx, he had to explore and conquer, for Savathun, she has to lie and deceive and trick, and we’ll get to Xivu Arath later on. They have to live this way otherwise they will die, that was the deal. But while shes in this prison her worm is frozen and cant kill her, so she is free to tell the truth. Which leads us to this, would a creature who has been forced to lie for eons start telling the truth once free? Or has it been that way for so long that deception is now the only language it knows?

Jonathan Flock

I love Savathun. Interacting with her without even being able to fully see her, obscured by that crystal. It really gives her an air of mysticism that puts you on edge.