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Full Watch Along Reaction to ATLA S1:E7. Had some people talk about synch issues which we had with Castlevania as well, so seems to be a Netflix issue. Took out the source audio for this reaction so that hopefully will help, but always looking for feedback.


Jason Rogue

I mean, a panda's home is destroyed of course they're going to lash out to man. Aang just gave the panda hope that their home will be restored. In a way put their spirit to rest. This episode showed us Uncle Iroh isn't a push over, yes he's more passive and doesn't like to fight, doesn't mean he isn't cunning and smart. Showing us again more development of a character. Same with Zuko, his whole thing is finding the Avatar to bring him to his father, but instead goes and saves his Uncle. Zuko is still humble, which we don't really see much with these type of antagonists or deuteragonists.


Putting spirit to rest makes sense. Just thought it was a simpler solution to a bigger problem. Get the Panda being pissed, just seemed to easy to show it an acorn and have it calm down and everything be cool. Of course things are going to grow back but that spirit Panda has every right to be pissed like you mentioned 😝

J Sal

The unpredictability of this show is what definitely carried it! From Sokka being captured, Aang unintentionally going into the spirit world, the spirit beast's actual form being a panda, and Iroh's capture (and rescue) from the earthbenders, man what a satisfying episode!

Quinton Turner

The side profiles when Zuko is deciding which decision to make (unscarred toward Iroh, scarred toward Appa) is a very nice touch.